Lecture notes
- Lecture 1: Class Introduction; Propositional Logic and it's Applications
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 2: Finish up Propositional Logic and Start on First-Order
- Lecture 3: Quantifiers, start on Inference and Proofs
(pdf, pptx) -- Note: pdf is the handout given in class. pptx file has the complete notes (with answers etc. where they were given in class).
- Lecture 4: Rules of Inference and Proofs.
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 5: Sets and start of functions
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 6:Functions, start on sequences
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 7:Sequences, cardinality of inf. sets
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 8:Algorithms and growth of functions
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 9:Start on number theory
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 10:More Number theory
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 11:Induction
(pdf, pptx)
- Lecture 12:Finish up number theory. Encryption
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 13:Start on counting
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 14:Permutations and Combinations
(pdf, pptx)
- Lecture 15:Finish up counting, start on probability
(pdf, docx).
Also covered strong induction (pdf, pptx)
- Lecture 16:Finish probability, (maybe) start on recurrsion
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 17:Review Bayes' and start recurrsion
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 18:Solving recurrence relations, start on graphs
(pdf, docx)
- Lecture 19:Shortest path, Dijkstra's, and some basic definitions.
(pdf, pptx)
- Lecture 20:Finish Graphs
(pdf, pptx)
Discussion notes
Old Quizzes and Exams