EECS 206, Signals and Systems I
Spring-Summer 2002
- Final Letter Grades Posted (8/13/02)
Final exam and course letter grades are posted under the "Grade Statistics" link on the menu. Have a relaxing break!
- NO CLASS on Monday August 5th, 2002 (8/3/02)
- Lecture on Monday, 8/5/2002, is cancelled since the last lecture was on Friday, 8/2/2002.
- Professor Na be available on Monday, 8/5/2002, for office hours (10--12) and from
2--3 pm in his office.
- Final Exam on Friday, August 9th, 2:00--4:00 pm, in room 1200 EECS
- The final exam is just a third exam in that it is NOT comprehensive.
- The final exam covers all the materials since Exam 2
- Classnotes
- Text Chaps. 6--8
- HW sets 9--12.
- Bring your calculator that can handle complex numbers.
- Bluebooks are NOT needed.
- The following topics are important
- Description of FIR and IIR filters in the time-domain, frequency domain, z-domain
- Frequency response function
- System function
- Poles and zeros of FIR and IIR filters
- The z transform for responses to sinusoids suddenly-applied sinusoids
- Filtering of a continuous-time signal (a sum of sinusoids) via sampling, discrete-time filtering, and interpolation---one problem will be in the exam.
- Most problems are multiple-choice types.
- You can bring one new sheet (both sides) of summary notes, as well as the two sheets for the previous exams.
- The review for the exam is scheduled in on Wednesday, August 7th, from 2:00, in 1200 EECS.
- Extra office hours by Prof. Na
- In addition to the regular MW 10--12 office hours,
Thursday (08/08) 10--12 noon
Friday (08/09) 10--12 noon, 1--2 pm
- End of Semester Schedule (7/23/02)
- As the semester comes to a close here are the following schedule
announcements and CHANGES:
- HW#9 was due this past Monday (7/22/02). Solutions will be
posted shortly.
- HW#10 handout has been revised and the due date has been changed
to Monday (7/29/02), NOT this Friday.
- HW#11 is due Monday (8/5/02).
- HW#12 is for practice and is not due yet solutions for HW#12 will
be posted Monday (8/5/02).
- Last lecture will be on Monday (8/5/02).
- Final exam review will be held on Wednesday (8/7/02), 2-4pm, in the
lecture hall.
- Lab#10 is a survey which will be given out during the final exam
review on Wednesday (8/7/02).
- There is no lab meeting on Wednesday (8/7/02) since we will be meeting
in the lecture room for the review.
- Final Exam is on Friday (8/9/02), 2-4pm, in 1200 EECS.
- Exam 2 on Friday, July 12th, 4:00--6:00 pm, in room TBA
- Exam 2 covers all the materials since Exam 1 and up to the lecture
on Wednesday 7/3/02:
- Professor Neuhoff's Lectures on Spectra of Discrete-Time Signals
(dated June 3, 2002),
- Text Chaps. 4 and 5,
- HW sets 5 to 8.
- Bring your calculator that can handle complex numbers.
- Bluebooks are NOT needed.
- The following topics are important
- Discrete-time signals and spectra
- DFT and properties
- Sampling and sampling theorem
- Interpolation and aliasing
- Properties of systems/filters: linearity, time-invarinace, causality
- LTI filters: descriptions, responses, and (block diagram) implementations
- Convolution
- Most problems are multiple-choice types.
- You can bring one new sheet (both sides) of summary notes, as well
as the one for Exam 1.
- The review for the exam is scheduled in the Lab section on Wednesday,
July 10th.
- HW#7 Due-date Pushed Back to Monday July 1st (6/25/02)
Homework #7 is due Monday July 1, 2002 instead of the preceeding Friday
since it was posted late.
- Laboratory Point Assignments Posted (6/20/02)
Due to popular request, the point assignments for each lab have been posted
in the lab webpage. The link to the point assignments is just below
the lab syllabus link.
- Exam on Friday, June 7th, 4:00--6:00 pm, in room 1311 EECS
- Exam 1 covers all the materials up to including the lecture on Friday
- Professor Neuhoff's classnotes dated April 30, 2002, Introduction to
- Text up to and including Chapter 3,
- HW sets 1 to 4 except the last two problems in HW 4.
- Bring your calculator that can handle complex numbers.
- Bluebooks are NOT needed.
- The following topics are important
- Elementary signal concepts: characteristics, operations, correlation
- Sinusoids
- Complex exponential signals
- Euler's formula
- Reducing a sum of sinusoids of the same frequency
- Spectrum of a sinusoidal-sum signal
- Spectrum of a periodic signal
- Properties of the Fourier series
- Most problems are multiple-choice types.
- You can bring a sheet (both sides) of summary notes.
- The review for the exam is scheduled in the Lab section on Wednesday,
June 5th.
- HW#3 and HW#4 Are Posted (5/25/02)
Note that HW#4 is posted early because it is due two days earlier than normal
so that the due date and Exam1 are not on the same day. Homework #4
is due ealier on WEDNESDAY 6/5/02 and NOT due on Friday 6/7/02; see the Calendar
- EECS 206 E-mail List (5/5/02)
Sign up for the EECS 206 email list by sending an email to
with the word subscribe in the subject line. Test messages will
be sent out shortly.
- Welcome to EECS 206 Spring-Summer 2002! (5/1/02)
Check the frame to the left for currently available information, including
course information, office hours, a calendar of exam dates and labs, laboratory
web page, and some extras.