Hint: Part of the answer is found in the next question and part in IPS205 - the computer architecture section.
Type | Space (bytes) |
Number of items | |||
struct { int x, y; double z[20]; } | |||
Assuming that you patience allows you to wait
Numbers beyond the range of your calculator can simply be reported as "> 10x" or "< 10-x", where x is determined by your calculator.
To try this in reverse,
assume that to be certain of beating Kasparov in the next
"Man vs machine" chess challenge, we would need to look ahead
40 moves.
How long will it take one of today's computers to calculate
each move?
For simplicity, assume that, on average, the number of possible
moves is the same for every move: but if you know of any other estimate
for the number of moves in chess, then use that. And if you don't know
western chess, substitute Chinese chess or Go (and the appropriate current
champion's name!).
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