UM EECS 489 Winter 2007

UM EECS 489 Winter 2007

Programming Assignment 2

DUE DATE 3/19/2007 (extended)

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It is possible that there may be bugs in the code. Please let us know asap if you suspect a bug.

Please first read this to learn the virtual network set up. Now that you are comfortable using our virtual network, you can work on building and maintaining it.

1 VRP: Virtual Routing Protocol

The routing protocol used in our virtual network is a distance-vector routing protocol that implements the triggered update, split-horizon with poisonous reverse, path hold down, and route poisoning heuristics. To do this programming assignment, please refer to this note for the definitions of triggered updates, split-horizon with poisonous reverse, route poisoning, and path hold down.

Fig. 1 depicts the format of VRP packets. The version field must contain the current VRP_VERSION, defined in vrp.h. Non-conforming packets should be dropped. The type field specifies the type of data carried in the VRP packet. Currently we only recognize VRP_TYPEDV, which specifies that the data carried is a list of distance vectors. Each distance vector in a VRP packet contains the vin_addr_t of a destination. The vad_metric field of the vin_addr_t carries the distance between the sender of the VRP packet and that destination. A VRP packet can be of size up to the largest VIP packet size. The macro vrp_ndv helps you determine how many distance vectors are carried in a VIP packet of a given size.
Figure 1:  VRP Packet Format.
In your implementation of VRP, you MUST allow each of the routing heuristics to be turned on or off. Use the following macros defined in vrp.h: You can specify which of the four heuristics you want to turn on by using vrouter's optional argument -h. For example, to turn on route poisoning you run vrouter -h 8. To turn on both route poisoning and path hold down you run vrouter -h 12. To run all four heuristics, do vrouter -h 15. The default setting is no heuristics (vrouter -h 0). Look in the definition of vrp_init() to see where the heuristics selection is stored.

1.1 Periodic and Triggered Updates

A vrouter's entire routing table is sent to all its neighbors every VRP_UPDTSECS. Each entry in the route table has a time stamp associated with it. For each distance vector present in an incoming update packet, if the recipient uses the source of that update packet as the next hop towards the destination named in the distance vector, the recipient must refresh the corresponding entry in its routing table by resetting the entry's timestamp to the current time. (Hint: Use gettimeofday(3C) to retrieve the current time.) If an entry has not been refreshed for more than VRP_STALERND*VRP_UPDTSECS seconds it should be considered stale and its metric set to VRP_INFINITY. If the route is not refreshed VRP_PURGERND*VRP_UPDTSECS seconds after it becomes stale, it must be deleted from the route table. If triggered update is implemented, a vrouter sends a triggered update whenever there is an increase in any of its entries' metric. A link going down also causes the propagation of a triggered update. A triggered update only causes entries with increased cost to be propagated and does not cause a reset of the periodic update timer, i.e. a periodic update could follow right after a triggered update. You may find the fields vrouter_nmod in the vrouter structure and vrtbl_mod in the vrtbl_t structure useful to keep track of the number of modified entries you need to send out and to mark the individual entry you need to send out, respectively. In keeping track of time, you may find the macro time_diff helpful.

1.2 Of Poisons, Spells, and Witches' Brew

To implement split-horizon with poisonous reverse, report the metric of a route as VRP_INFINITY to the neighbor that is the next hop for that route. You know that a node is a neighbor if the cost to that node is VIF_DIRECT. To implement path hold down, do not switch the path to a destination for a period of VRP_HOLDNRND*VRP_UPDTSECS seconds when the cost of that path increases. To implement route poisoning, if the metric of a route has been increasing for VRP_INFLTRND number of updates, advertise the metric as VRP_INFINITY.

When implementing route poisoning, you need to pay attention to the following detail: it takes two updates for an old metric to leave the system, for example, assume nodes A and B are involved in bouncing effect for destination C. A advertises cost to C of 2, B advertises cost of 3. Upon getting B's advertisement, A bumps up its cost to C to 4. Upon getting A's advertisement, B bumps up its cost to C to 3. Next B advertises cost to C of 3. If A is not careful, it could interpret B's advertisement as a decrease in its cost to C (from 4 to 3) and stop doing route poisoning. To prevent this in your implementation of route poisoning, whenever you inflate your cost to a destination, use the variable vrtbl_reflected to keep track of whether you have seen your old cost ``reflected'' back from your current next hop. You should ignore your own reflections and cancel route poisoning only if the inflated cost to a destination stays constant or lower beyond your reflection. Read also the comments associated with vrtbl_reflected in vrp.h.

2 Your Mission

Fig. 2 depicts the structure of vrouter.
Figure 2:  Structure of the virtual router vrouter.
vrouter.gif vrouter.gif

In the figure, data structures are enclosed in rounded boxes and functions in square boxes. You are to define and implement the functions depicted in bold. Don't let the small number of functions you have to modify fool you into thinking that this is a simple PA. Start work on this PA early. All the functions you need to write/modify are in the file vrp.c in the assignment directory.

2.1 The Routing Table

The file vrp.h contains the definition of vrouter_t which is the top most data structure representing a vrouter. It points to a virtual link table (vit_t) and a routing table (vrtbl_t) along with other state information about the vrouter. DO NOT use the virtual link table (vrouter_vifs) in your code. Use only the information available in the routing table (vrouter_rt). In general, in doing this programming assignment, you should not need to know anything about vifs beyond accessing the interface's address (vif_vad).

The first entry of the routing table MUST always contain the vrouter's own vin_addr_t with vad_metric set to 0. In general, I stipulated that all fields in a vin_addr_t must always be in network byte order. Here's an exception to that rule: when, and only when, stored in the routing table, the vad_metric field of the route table entry's vrt_dst field, which is of type vin_addr_t, must always be in host byte order. This means that you need to translate between host and network byte orders when copying the cost of a destination from the route table to a distance vector in a VRP packet, and vice versa.

The definition of the routing table is available in the file vrp.h in the assignment directory. You should read the comments next to each field carefully. They tell you how to interpret and use the fields.

2.2 The Routing Functions

The main virtual router code calls your vrp_periodic() function periodically to manage and propagate your route table.

Your vrp_update() is called by vip_input() when a route update arrives from one of your neighbors. Your vrp_update() must implement triggered update and path hold down.

Both vrp_update and vrp_periodic call your vrp_propagate() to send out their route updates. Your vrp_propagate() must implement both split horizon with poisonous reverse and route poisoning (recall the above discussion on catching your reflections). Your vrp_propagate() sends your route update packets out by calling vip_output().

The function vrp_reconfig() is called when one or more of your vrouter's virtual links go up or down. Most of this function is given to you. The only part you need to implement is when a link is down, you must change the cost of all destinations you reach through that link to VRP_INFINITY. You may also need to initiate any routing heuristics applicable here.

The file vrp.c in the assignment directory contains the skeletons of these functions with comments on what each of these functions should contain. As usual my implementation of these functions are available in _vrp.o. Note however, since these functions are more closely tied than functions in previous assignments, your version of any one of them may not work very smoothly with mine.

In writing your code, you may find the macro vin_eq() useful for comparing vin_addr_ts and the macro time_diff() useful for comparing timestamps.

2.3 Testing Your Code

You should find the following three scenario files in the assignment directory: test_shpr, test_phd, and test_rp. They all require 5 vrouters. As the filenames indicate, I found each one of them useful for testing the heuristics named in the filename. See the comments at the top of each file for a description of each scenario. To test the shpr heuristics for example, run the seeder with the following command:
example.engin% seeder -n 5 -f test_shpr
Then run a vrouter on 5 different machines with the following command:
% vrouter -S example.engin -h 2
Unless specified, no heuristics is assumed. I suggest running each scenario without any heuristics to see how counting to infinity manifests itself on that scenario. Then test the heuristics one at a time. Usually when triggered updates is set, you don't see counting to infinity at all, so test your implementation of the various heuristics without triggered updates first. You should also test your heuristics in conjunction with each other. There is another scenario file, test_complex, in the assignment directory. It builds a somewhat more complicated topology involving 7 vrouters. You should experiment with various scenarios of your own to test your implementation.

You will find the following two directives useful in constructing your scenario (script) files:
  1. #include "file"
  2. , n
The first allows you to include a scenario file in another scenario file. The second allows you to commit and apply pending changes, wait for n seconds for the routing tables to stabilize, before continuing with the rest of the scenario file. See the file test_rp for example usage. If n is not specified, i.e. when the comma is on a line by itself, the seeder waits for a period that is a multiple of the number of vrouters before continuing with the rest of the script file.

After it finishes processing a script file, the seeder presents you with the following prompt:
Continue testing (random, scriptfile, manual, quit) [n]? 
If you select `r'andom, the seeder randomly connects the nodes in your network. It is okay to see the virtual network partitioned, i.e. some nodes being completely cut off from other nodes. Successive random topologies created by the seeder follow the same pattern each time you start over. If you have a bug in your code that shows itself only after k successive topology reconfigurations, you can always be certain that seeder will generate the same sequence of topologies after every k iterations. If, on the other hand, you want to see some new topologies without going through the same k old topologies, you can change the random seed used by seeder with the -r option.

To have the seeder load a script file choose `s', or you can enter the script manually by choosing `m'. The syntax for manual entry is exactly the same as the syntax for the script file. So after a network is set up, you can manually bring down a link, manually bring up a down link, or manually add a new link between two nodes, or specify a list of additions and deletions.

When you run the new vrouter, the first thing you will notice is that its output is now much different. Instead of messages about VTP pkts sent and received, it periodically dumps the latest snapshot of its routing table. Study the routing table data structure vrt_t and the code for function vrp_dump to figure out how to read the routing table dumps.

After each reconfiguration of your virtual network, either through seeder's random configuration, as part of your script file, or by your manual reconstruction, you should study the routing tables of all vrouters on your virtual network and see if they are morphing as you have intended (or if they are changing in ways similar to how they change when you run my vrouter). Once you are satisfied that the routing tables of your vrouters have stabilized (stopped changing), you can let the seeder initiate another round of reconfiguration. Remember that you can commit all changes to the virtual topology in your script files by using the `,' directive. When executing the `,' directive, the seeder waits a certain amount of time before continuing with the rest of the script. This amount of time is a function of the number of vrouters you have, the intention being that we want to wait for changes to propagate throughout your virtual network before making more changes. Sometimes, e.g. when CAEN's network is heavily loaded, the automatically computed time may not be long enough. You can tell seeder how many seconds to wait before continuing as an argument to the `,' directive as discussed above.

2.4 Extra Credit (20% of the project grade)

You may choose not to do this part. You earn extra credit only if you get at least 90 out of 100 points for the main part of the programming assignment. Otherwise, you get nothing, regardless how good it is. If you implement this part, you will need to give me a demo of your code.

There are two options for extra credit. You will get credit for only one of them.

2.4.1 Implement Path Vector
Path vector is defined in lecture. In place of the heuristics above, implement path vector. You will need to define a new data structure to hold the path vector in the routing table. You will also need to modify the route update packet format to carry path vectors instead of distance vectors. With path vector, each vrouter must check a path for routing loops before using it. It must also update the path vector of paths it uses before sending them out. If you choose to do this part of the assignment, you must also write a document similar to but more detailed than this one to describe your implementation.
2.4.2 Implement Link-State Protocol
Similar to the above, except that you implement a link-state routing protocol that uses Dijkstra's Shortest Path First algorithm to compute shortest path. This will entail even more drastic changes to your routing table and route update messages.

What to Turn in

Use the turnin client from HW1 to turn in all the files, AND ONLY THOSE FILES, you modified or created. Same server name (, same port number (4891), for pa2. Do not turn in files you do not modify. You shouldn't need to turn in more than the file vrp.c. If you work in a group, also turn in a README file with the names of all group members. Turn in only ONE assignment per group. If you do the extra credit part, say so in your README file. Prepend the tag extra_ to all files created for the extra credit part and turn them in also.


The original turnin code was the work of Prof. Sugih Jamin. This document is a modification of the assignment created by Prof. Jamin.