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EECS 509 / IOE 517 is a course on modeling, analysis, and optimal control of vehicular traffic networks in the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). No prior background on traffic engineering is assumed. The course starts with an introduction to those aspects of traffic theory relevant to ITS, in particular the modeling of the dynamics of traffic flow. Then we study traffic networks with special emphasis on two important components of ITS: dynamic route guidance and adaptive control of signalization. The techniques from control theory, optimization, and operations research are employed to solve these problems.
While this course is primarily intended for graduate students in EECS and IOE, undergraduate students may enroll.
This course is a ``core course'' for the Rackham Graduate Certificate Program in Intelligent Transportations Systems.
Prerequitistes: EECS 401 or IOE 315 or Stat 310.
Further information is available in the following documents.