
Course Info

LecturesMon & Wed 3:00-4:20 PM, 1017 DOW
DiscussionFri 3:30-4:20 PM, G906 COOL
Web Pagehttp://www.eecs.umich.edu/courses/eecs570/
PiazzaLink on Canvas
InstructorSatish Narayanasamy
Email, URLnsatish /at/ umich.edu
Office4741 BBB
Office HoursTBD
GSIParin Senta
Emailpsenta /at/ umich.edu
Office HoursTBD
OH/Discussion LocationTBD

EECS 570 will discuss foundations of a multi-processor architecture, both design and programming of such machines. We will read and discuss recent advancements in parallel architectures, and learn about recent parallel processors. We will also learn a bit about parallel applications and a dvancements in parallel programming such as CUDA, transactional memory, etc., which could influence the design of future parallel processors. There will be two programming assignment, two exams, a final research project and quiz questions on the readings.

What knowledge does EECS 570 assume?

EECS 570 assumes that you can read and analyze recent papers published in top-tier computer architecture and systems conferences (ISCA, MICRO, ASPLOS, SOSP, OSDI). EECS 470 should provide adequate preparation.


EECS 570 has been supported by generous equipment donations from Intel's University Program Office.

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