Overview | Schedule | Readings | Attack Presentation | Course Project
Paper Responses: Write a short response to each required paper. You should briefly (1) state the problem the paper is trying to solve, (2) summarize the main contributions, (3) evaluate strengths and weaknesses, (4) suggest at least two interesting open problems on related topics, and (5) say whether anything was too difficult to understand. The most important thing is to demonstrate that you've thought carefully about the topic. Your responses should be no longer than ~350 words per paper. They are due by email before the start of class; please use the subject line [reading588].
This list is subject to change. Updates will be posted by the end of the day on the Friday before lecture.
Some articles require paid subscriptions to journals and digital libraries. You can access these for free when connecting on campus. For off campus access, try the CAEN VPN or the MLibrary Proxy Server Bookmarklet.
(No assigned reading)
No written response required for today.