Confirm that the constraints are correct in the report.constraints file.
Then you can examine
the timing reports for the results. A typical timing report looks like
Report : timing
-path end
-delay max
-nworst 2
-max_paths 200
Design : ms8_core_b0
Version: 1998.02-1
Date : Thu Jun 24 11:44:42 1999
Operating Conditions: TYP Library: lite7b_core_04
Wire Loading Model Mode: top
Design Wire
Loading Model Library
10000_CELLS lite7b_core_04
Path Delay Path Required
swi_req (inout)
9.82 f
3.65 -6.17
swi_req (inout)
9.82 r
3.65 -6.17
ex_mem_addr_b[14] (out)
10.92 f
4.75 -6.17
For more detail, examine the full paths. From the full path, you will
be able to determine whether
the violation is a false path, a buffering problem, the constraint
is to strict, etc.
write_timing -output "myoutput.sdf" -load_delay cell -format sdf -context verilog
This creates a file with all delays (net and cell) lumped into each
cell. Also output the
gate level Verilog model:
write -hierarchy -format verilog -output "verilog_netlist_file.gate.v"
Then you can use the $sdf_annotate command to include the lumped delays
in your
Verilog simulation:
$sdf_annotate("myoutput.sdf", xms8_b0,,"/tmp/myoutput.sdflog");
Any timing violations will be output to standard output and also put
in the SDF log
file to exaamine later.