Course Schedule for EECS627 - VLSI Design II

Date (week)

Exams / Project / Lab Dates

Recitation Topics

Suggested Project Progress

January 9     (1)


 Lab 1 handout (in lecture)

 Form project teams

January 11


 start project topic research

January 13

Lab 1 discussion
Lab 2 handout

January 16   (2)

 NO CLASS - MLK - extra office hrs



January 18

 Project Proposal Due -  proposal review mtgs



January 20

Lab 1 due

Lab 2 discussion, Lab 3 handout


January 23   (3)



January 25



 Algorithmic Simulation

January 27

Lab 2 due

Lab 3 discussion


January 30   (4)



Verification Environment

February 1




February 3

Lab 3 due

Memory Design, compilers


February 6   (5)




February 8




February 10



February 13   (6)



 Behavioral Model coded

February 15

Design Review 1



February 17


Clock generation


February 20 (7)


 Behavioral Model debugged

February 22




February 24


Design for test

 Partitioning for design automation

February 27 (8)

Spring Break - no class


 Detailed Floorplan

March 1

Spring Break - no class


 RTL, synthesis, place, route, annotate

March 3

Spring Break - no class


 1 module done, design flow debugged

March 6     (9)




March 8




March 10


IO Pads

 RTL, syn, P&R, annotation :  10%

March 13  (10)




March 15




March 17


Q & A

RTL, syn, P&R, annotation :  30%

March 20  (11)




March 22




March 24

 Design Review 2

Q & A

RTL, syn, P&R, annotation :  100%

March 27  (12)



March 29




March 31


Q & A

 Global Design: Power, Clock, Routing

April 3  (13)




April 5




April 7


Q & A

Timing Closure : Iterate through flow

April 10      (14)




April 12   




April 14


Q & A

Layout Verification

April 17    (15)




April 25

Final Presentations


 Tape Out

Milestones in Bold are due dates for lab assignments and project reviews/proposals, milestones in italics are suggested project milestones to help keep the projects on track.