Project Requirements

Project Proposal:
The project proposal should outline the basic idea of your project, not exceeding one page. The description should include:
Project Design Review 1:
The first design review consist of a written report and a 15 minute presentation with prepared PowerPoint slides. The behavioral description of the design, the golden brick, the verification environment, and the floor plan should be completed by this time. The report / presentation should cover the following topics:
Project Design Review 2:  
The second design review consist of a written report and a 20 minute presentation. At this stage, the following should be completed: verification of the behavioral description using the golden brick, module level synthesis with back annotation and place and route, submodule placement.
The second review report should contain a description of the design that is complete, except for the final stages of integration, global placement / routing and LVS and DRC verification. In addition to updates on topics previously covered in design review 1,  it should cover the following topics:
Final Design Review:
The final design review consist of a written report and a 30 minute presentation. The final design review should contain a complete description of the project in the format for the Design Automation Conference design contest. In addition to the topics covered in Design Reviews 1 and 2, it should contain the following information: