EECS 661: Discrete Event Systems
Welcome to the EECS 661 information page.
The Web site for this course is now located on CTools.
EECS 661 is offered every even year in the fall semester.
It is intended for EE:Systems/EE/CSE/ME/AERO graduate students who want to learn
about the modeling, analysis and control of
``discrete event dynamical systems'' (DES).
These are dynamical systems that have discrete state spaces
and event-driven dynamics.
DES arise in the modeling of technological systems
such as automated manufacturing systems, computer systems,
software systems, and communication networks.
Most recent offering: Fall 2008.
Poster EECS 661 Fall 2008
Textbook: Second edition of the textbook by Cassandras and Lafortune:
Texbook - Second Edition
Fall 2010: Course not offered due to sabbatical leave.
Please contact Prof. Lafortune for further information.
Last Modified: 2010/10/14