EECS 661 - Course Information
Homepage address:
Fall 2000
Class Time: Mo-We-Fr, 10:30-11:30 am, 185 EWRE (on your left when you exit the EECS atrium towards the east)
Stéphane Lafortune
Office: 4219 EECS
Telephone: 763-0591
Office Hours:
After class until noon, Tues. 3-4:30pm,
or by appointment
- Homework Assignments (weekly): 30%
- Exams (Open book and notes):
Exam 1: Thurs. Oct. 19, 7-9 pm : 25%
Exam 2: Thurs. Nov. 30, 7-9 pm : 25%
- Term Paper (Due Mon. Dec. 18, 4 pm): 15%
- Oral Presentation of Term Paper
(Wed. Dec. 20, 10:30am - 12:30) [10-15 min. per team] : 5%
- Introduction to Discrete Event Systems,
by Christos G. Cassandras and Stéphane Lafortune,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
Other References
(on reserve in library; not necessary to purchase)
- Modeling and Control of Logical Discrete Event Systems,
by Ratnesh Kumar and Vijay K. Garg, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
- Petri Nets and Grafcet. Tools for Modelling Discrete Event
by René David and Hassane Alla, Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Homework problems will be assigned every Wed., due the following Wed.,
starting with Homework 1 assigned on Sept. 13.
Some of the problems will require using
the software package UMDES-LIB developed
at U of M for the various manipulations of finite state machines and
controller synthesis algorithms that will be studied in class.
Term Paper
The term paper should be performed in teams of two students.
The topic should be approved by the instructor by Fri. Nov. 17.
The goal of the term paper is for students to study in more detail a topic
relevant to the class material but not covered in detail in class.
The term paper
can consist of doing a critical analysis of a small set of papers
on a certain topic
(especially papers dealing with applications of DES theory),
of applying the material studied in class to a specific
application, of performing a computer implementation of some relevant
material presented in class, or of investigating how to extend some
of the results presented in class.
The term paper will be due Mon. Dec. 18 at 4 pm.
Oral presentations of the term papers
will take place in the slot reserved for the final exam.
Course Outline
Introduction to Discrete Event Systems.
[2 classes]
Chapter 1 of Textbook
Untimed (logical) models of DES;
languages, automata,
model building by parallel composition of automata,
observer automata.
[10 classes]
Chapter 2 of Textbook
Supervisory control of DES;
the feedback loop of supervisory control,
the main existence results,
realization and design of supervisors using automata,
dealing with uncontrollability, blocking (deadlock, livelock),
and unobservability, modular control, other extensions as time permits.
[15 classes]
Chapter 3 of Textbook
Petri nets; modeling using Petri nets, techniques for analysis,
brief introduction to control of Petri nets.
[7 classes]
Chapter 4 of Textbook
Timed models of DES;
timing with clock structures, introduction to stochastic timed
introduction to the max-plus algebra for the analysis of timed
event graphs;
other modeling formalisms for timed DES.
[6 classes]
Chapter 5 of Textbook
Selected case studies will be used throughout the semester
to illustrate the above concepts.
Last Modified: 2000/09/01