Handin directions for P0

Directions updated as of Jan 18 at 8:30am. If you used the old directions, that is fine as they will work also.

If you have any problems with these directions, ask your GSI in lab on Tuesday or Wednesday!

CAEN has set up a directory for each student to place their 101 assignments into. Further, CAEN created a link in your main directory to your "handin" directory for _most_ of you. It is "eng101" (lower case e). If you cd into eng101 and do a "pwd" you should have a path that looks like this:

where UNAME is your unique name and LSEC is your lab section number (101, 304, etc.)
From your home directory type: 
   mkdir P0
   cd P0
If all that worked without an error type "pwd". That should tell you you are in /afs/engin.umich.edu/class/w05/eng101/LSEC/UNAME/P0. We (the GSIs and instructor) have access to all of the files you put here. We can also lock those files (make it so you can't add or change things) should we wish. In other words, this space should be thought of as ours, not yours.

Now in the P0 directory you just created you should place the two files wrong.cc and p0main.cc. The p0main.cc need not have been changed. Please remember that you are NOT to have a main() in your wrong.cc file!!!. If you should put the wrong files, wrong file names, or have a main() in your p0wrong.cc file you may receive a 0 on the assignment. So be careful. Also, be sure you place it in the directory on time and don't change it afterwards.