Yahoo! and CSE Kick Off 48-Hour Mobile App Programming Event

Want to build a great a great mobile app in 48 hours flat? The Yahoo! 48-Hour Mobile App Hackathon will give you the time, space, food, caffeine, and camaraderie you need to build and present something awesome!
The Hackathon begins Friday, Feb. 4 at 6:00pm in Design Lab 1 in the Duderstadt Center on U-M's North Campus. Projects will be demoed Sunday, Feb. 6 at 6:00pm in Design Lab 1.
Hackathon Details:
- Build a running app for ANY mobile platform – iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, Symbian... hey, this is YOUR app!
- No preregistration required. You can work alone or as part of a group.
- Be there for the KickoffDinner @ 6:00pm on Feb 4!
- Mobatech & Mobiata Dinner: Saturday, Feb. 5 @ 6:00pm (optional interim design review and energy booster!)
- Closing Dinner, Demos, Judging, and Prizes: Sunday, Feb. 6 @ 6:00pm.
- Judging will be done by the participants themselves and by those attending the hackathon closing dinner on Feb 6.
- Prizes include: $100 Amazon gift card for 1st place, $50 card for 2nd place, and $25 card for 3rd place.
All U-M students are invited to come and participate. If you have an app idea, come and recruit other hackathoners to join you. Or, join with other hackathoners to build an app. But the most important thing is this: participate; you won't regret it. You WILL regret NOT participating!
"I learned more in those 48 hours about creating software than I did in all my courses."
-- Student participant, 2009 48-Hour Mobile App Hackathon |

The Mobile App Hackathon is sponsored by Yahoo! Additional support provided by Computer Science and Engineering, the Center for Entrepreneurship, Mobiata, LLC, Mobatech, LLC, the Digital Media Commons, Google, Inc., Apple, Inc., Microsoft, and North American Bancard.
Posted: January 27, 2011