8:45AM – 9:30AM
Registration, Breakfast, and Mixer
9:30PM – 9:40AM
Welcome and Opening from ECE Associate Chair of Graduate Affairs
9:40AM - 9:45AM
Welcome from ECE Chair
9:45AM – 10:30AM
Introduction of Facilitator and Activity One: “How will a Ph.D. in ECE help you with your career goals? What is difference between an MS and a Ph.D.?”
10:30AM – 11:15AM
Activity Two: Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: what is the difference and what to discuss?
11:15AM – 12:00PM
Activity Three: Activity Three: Letters of Recommendations: How to ask, who to ask, and what to be prepared to provide
12:00PM – 1:15PM
Lunch with faculty
2:45PM – 3:45PM
Individual Feedback Session
4:15-4:45 PM
Introduction of current PhD Students
4:45PM – 5:30PM
Introduction of alumni
5:30PM – 5:45PM
Overview of evening, transportation, and meeting tomorrow
5:45PM – 9:00PM
Dinner in Downtown Ann Arbor/Central Campus
9:00AM – 10:00AM
Breakfast in EECS
10:00AM– 11:00AM
Panel with Current PhD Students
11:00AM – 12:00PM
Lab Tours
12:00PM – 1:00PM
1:00PM – 1:15PM
Closing Remarks
1:15PM- 2:00PM
Campus Tour
2:00PM – 2:30PM
Roundtable Availability with ECE Associate Chair of Grad Affairs and ECE Staff
Organize departures