January 7: Pulkit
Grover, Post-doc, University of California Ð Berkeley, ÒDecentralized
control: when actions breakÓ.
January 14: Dr.
Assen L. Dontchev, Mathematical Reviews,
A division of the American Mathematical Society, ÒControl Theoretic
Splines with ConstraintsÓ.
January 21: Professor
Warren Dixon, University of Florida, Gainesville, Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, ÒNonlinear
Control of Uncertain Fatigued Human Skeletal Muscle: Theory and ExperimentsÓ.
January 28: Professor
Eric Johnson, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Aerospace Engineering,
ÒMaking Small Unmanned Systems do Big ThingsÓ.
February 4: Professor
Elias Strangas Michigan State University, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, ÒAffordable Reliability Improvement of Electrical DrivesÓ.
February 11: Professor
Yi Lu Murphey, Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Michigan Ð Dearborn, MI, ÒMachine Learning Approaches to
Vehicle Power ManagementÓ.
February 18: Professor
Gabor Orosz, University of Michigan, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
ÒTraffic Jams: Dynamics and
February 25: NO SEMINARS ------ SPRING BREAK
March 4: NO
March 11: Ryan
McGee, Supervisor, Vehicle Controls Architecture and Algorithm Design, Ford
Motor Company, ÒPowertrain Electrification: Taking advanced control systems out
of the lab and on to the roadÓ.
March 18: Professor
Naira Hovakimyan, University of Illinois at Urbana Ð Champaign,
Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, ÒAdaptive Control and its
Transition to PracticeÓ.
March 25: Professor
Mingyan Liu, University of Michigan, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, ÒIn-situ Soil Moisture Sensing From Physical Models to
Optimal Control to Field DeploymentÓ.
April 1: Dr.
Bhaskar Saha, NASA Ð AMES
Research Center, ÒBattery Health
Management for Electrical VehiclesÓ.
April 8: Professor
Kenn Richard Oldham, University of Michigan, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, ÒLow-power motion control of microactuators with expensive voltage
conversion and sensingÓ.
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College of Engineering Control Research Group
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Pace (734) 763-5022 email: