Professor Hadas Kress-Gazit, Cornell University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, "High-level verifiable Robotics".
Chiao-Ting Li, Research Fellow, University of Michigan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, "Integration and Optimization of plug-in-vehicle charging and wind power scheduling on the electric grid".
Alex Cunningham, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, NAME Dept, "Online, Scalable and Decentralized Smoothing and Mapping".
Professor Ryozo Nagamune, University of British Columbia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, "Smooth Switch LPV Control and its Potential Applications".
Professor Johanna Matthieu, University of Michigan, Department of EECS, "Planning and control of Certain electric loads to help out the power grid".
Professor Chris Damaren, University of Toronto, Institute of Aerospace Studies, "Hybrid Linear Quadratic Optimal Control for Aerospace Systems with Continuous and Impulsive Inputs".
Professor Mehran Mesbahi, University of Washington, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, "Dynamic Network Formation: a Control-theoretic Perspective".
Dr. Mrdjan Jankovic, Ford Research and Advanced Engineering, "Automotive Emission Control System - Modeling for Control".
Giancarlo Troni, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, NAME Dept. "Advances in Precision Navigation of Low-cost Underwater Vehicles".
Professor Christos Cassandras, Boston University, Systems Engineering, "Event-Driven Control, Communication, and Optimization".
Professor Anton de Ruiter, Ryerson University, Department of Aerospace Engineering, "Sequential Lyapunov Analysis with Applications to Spacecraft Attitude Control".
Professor Anna Stefanopoulou, University of Michigan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, "Controlling Powertrain Systems at their High-Efficiency Limit".
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