Lab SectionWednesday
3:00pm-5:00pm, 2331 EECS
Graduate Student InstructorBen
- sample_laboratory.doc -- Use this as a formatting guideline or a template for your laboratory assignment
- lab1_sys_demo.m -- A demonstration system for use during lab section
- sig_nosig_demo.dll -- A working demonstration version of sig_nosig.m. (Note that this function only works on Windows systems running MATLAB version 6. It should work on any CAEN PC running Matlab 6.1.)
- lab1_data.mat -- Contains two signals for use in this laboratory
- lab1_sys1.m , lab1_sys2.m -- systems for use in Lab #1, Problem #3
- sig_nosig.m -- A "skeleton" function for the signal/no signal detection
- energy_demo.m -- demonstration of detection with using energy
- corr_demo.m -- demonstration of detection with correlation
- corr_view.m -- real-time demonstration of running correlation
- lab2_data.mat -- sample data for corr_view.m
- run_corr_demo.dll -- completed/compiled version of run_corr.m
- code_signal.m -- function that generates code signals for multi-user communication system
- run_corr.m -- "skeleton" function for run_corr, which computes running correlation
- lab2_data.mat -- data files for radar system
- ce_demo.m -- script that generates a 3-D plot of a complex exponential signal
- apc_demo.dll -- completed/compiled version of apc.m
- fape_demo.dll -- completed/compiled version of fape.m
- apc.m -- "skeleton" function for apc, which implements the "amplitude and phase calculator"
- fape.m -- "skeleton" function for fape, which implements the "frequency, amplitude, and phase estimator"
- lab3_data.mat -- data files for sinusoidal correlation
- sinsum.m and sinsum.fig -- Files for the "sum-of-sinusoids" GUI used in Problem #1
- lab4_data.mat -- data files for Lab #4
- fourier_synthesis.m -- function which performs Fourier Series synthesis
- fourier_analysis.m -- function which performs Fourier Series analysis
- fix_melody.m -- incomplete function to remove undesired component in a signal
- melody_check.m -- computes spectrogram for verifying problem #5
- eagle.tif -- a demonstration image for compression
- file_code.m -- updated version of file_code, demonstrates several image compression routines
- cameraman.tif -- A standard image used for image processing
- display_square.m -- A function used to visualize the image values associated with small portions of an image
- quantize_fcn.m -- A function that implements quantization
- dft_block.m -- The transform portion of a transform encoder
- inverse_dft_block.m -- The inverse transformation portion of a transform decoder
- dft_coder.m -- The entire transform encoder
- goldhill.tif -- a demonstration image for filtering
- mandrill.tif -- another demonstration image for filtering
- lab6_data.mat -- A set of signals for Lab #6
- g_smooth.m -- Produces coefficients for 1-D smoothing filters
- g_smooth2.m -- Produces coefficients for 2-D smoothing filters
- sharpen.m -- Sharpens an image with varying strength
- peppers.tif -- A "noise-free" image
- peppers_noise1.tif -- A noisy version of peppers.tif
- peppers_noise2.tif -- Another noisy version of peppers.tif
- peppers_blur.tif -- A blurred version of peppers.tif
- dtmf_sound.wav -- a recording of a "real" DTMF signal
- dtmf_dial_demo.dll -- demonstration version of the DTMF dialer function
- dtmf_dial.m -- the (incomplete) DTMF dialer function
- dtmf_filt_char.m -- function for characterizing bandpass filters for the DTMF decoder
- dtmf_decode.m -- the (incomplete) DTMF decoder function
- dtmf_attack.m -- function for testing the robustness of the DTMF detector to noise
- lab8_example.m -- .m script that generates example figures for the laboratory background
- lab8_example2.m -- .m script that generates more example figures for the laboratory background
- feature_classifier_demo.dll -- completed demo version of the feature classifier
- formant_classifier.dll -- complete vowel classifier (from sound recording to classification) using the formant features
- fbank_classifier.dll -- complete vowel classifier (from sound recording to classification) using the filter bank features
- lab8_data.mat -- required data for the laboratory assignment
- calc_formants.m -- calculates formant features from an short segment of a vowel signal
- calc_fbank.m -- calculates filter bank features from a short segment of a vowel signal
- feature_classifier.m -- skeleton function for the feature classifier
- confusion_matrix.m -- function used to calculate confusion matrices
- lab9_demo.mat -- Data file for demonstrations in the lab section
- confusion_matrix_demo.dll -- compiled function for computing confusion matrices
- ap_classifier.dll -- complete vowel classifier (from sound recording to classification) using the all-pole features
- lab9_data.mat -- required data for the laboratory assignment
- show_z2.m -- a function that displays a surface plot of the Z-plane for a given filter
- pole_zero_place3d.fig and pole_zero_place3d.m -- files for Pole-Zero Place 3-D GUI