EECS 311 | Electronic Circuits

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Course Information

General Information


Graduate Student Instructor

Required Text
Lecture notes and homework assignments will be based on the following required text. 

  • "Microelectronic Circuit Design (3rd Edition)," by Richard Jaeger and Travis Blalock
    ISBN: 0073309486 (hardcover)

Recommended Text

  • "Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (4th Edition)," by P Gray, P. Hurst, S. Lewis, and R. Meyer
    ISBN: 0471321680

Grading Policy

Grades are assigned at the end of the semester based on following weights. 

Labs 30%
Problem Sets 15%
Quiz 1 15%
Quiz 2 15%
Final Exam 25%

Each lab will have a pre-lab, in-lab, and post-lab component.  Students should complete the pre-lab exercises prior to beginning the in-lab exercises.  Once in-lab exercises are complete, students will demonstrate their working circuit to a GSI, at which time students will be asked to show completed pre-lab exercises.  Post-lab exercises may be completed outside of lab hours.  On the date the lab report is due, students should turn in completed pre-lab exercises, their check-off sheet, and completed post-lab exercises.
Students must complete all labs to receive full credit.  Any student who does not complete all labs before the end of the semester will have their final grade dropped by one complete letter grade

Students are encouraged to work together on problem sets, Cadence assignments, and lab assignments.  However, each student is required to generate and hand in their own work.  In the case of Cadence assignments, each student should create their own schematic and simulations.  However, students may discuss any part of their designs with others and are encouraged to do so.

Late Policy
The same policy will apply to all assignments, lab reports, etc..  Late assignments are penalized 20% per day for each day late.  Assignments due in lecture that are handed in after lecture on the day they are due are considered one day late.

Lab Kits

Each student enrolled in the class for credit will receive a lab kit.  This kit contains components required for the lab assignments, and will be yours to keep after the class is over.  If you lose your kit, you may get a new one for a $50 fee.

Honor Code

The Honor Code outlines certain standards of ethical conduct for persons associated with the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan. The policies of the Honor Code apply to graduate and undergraduate students, faculty members, and administrators. The Honor Code is based on these tenets:

  • Engineers must possess personal integrity both as students and as professionals. They must be honorable people to ensure safety, health, fairness, and the proper use of available resources in their undertakings.
  • Students in the College of Engineering community are honorable and trustworthy persons.
  • The students, faculty members, and administrators of the College of Engineering trust each other to uphold the principles of the Honor Code. They are jointly responsible for precautions against violations of its policies.
  • It is dishonorable for students to receive credit for work that is not the result of their own efforts.

After each examination, students must write the Honor Pledge in their test books and sign their names under it. The Honor Pledge is as follows:

"I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this examination, nor have I concealed any violations of the Honor Code."

Instructors are not required to grade tests in which the signed Honor Pledge does not appear. The Honor Code remains enforced whether or not the student signs the Pledge.