Lab Calendar

Lab Assignments

Lab 1: Development Tools and GPIO

Lab 2: Assembly and ABI

Lab 3: Memory Mapped IO

Lab 4: Interrupts

Lab 5: Timers

Lab 6: Serial interfaces

Lab 7: Analog Peripherals: ADCs and DACs

Final Project - Google Drive Folder

Lab Location and Access:

Labs will be held in the EECS building in 2334. To access the lab after hours or on the weekend please see Piazza for the door code.

Lab Submissions:

Each lab consists of 3 lab parts: Pre-Lab, In-Lab, and Post-Lab, which will be submitted to Gradescope in the format of a Gradescope "Online Assignment". Each lab section has different deadlines based on when their lab section meets. The goal is to stagger the deadlines so that lab support queues are short and efficient. See the following worksheet as an example schedule.


Pre-labs consist of exercises to give students the background needed to complete the In-Lab. They are due before your home lab section begins and are completed and submitted individually. Not all labs have Pre-Lab components.


The In-Lab exercises involve hands-on work with development kits and instruments. Typically, you'll begin with a guided section, followed by a task where you'll apply what you've learned to solve a problem or complete an assignment. It's highly recommended that you collaborate closely with your partner during this process, as two people often identify issues more effectively than one. You will often be required to demonstrate your working code to a lab instructor, who will provide you with a demo verification code. This code must be uploaded to Gradescope as proof of completion and will be verified during grading. The In-Lab submission is due by 11:59 PM the night before your next home lab session, with only one submission required per team.


The post-lab consists of some follow up from the In-Lab inexperience and generally consisting of questions based on results of observations from the In-Lab. This is due at 11:59pm the night before your next home lab section.

Late Policy

Lab assignments are to be submitted via Gradescope in the format of a Gradescope Online Assignment. It is important that labs are completed on time to ensure students keep up with the class. Labs submitted up to 24 hours late will receive a 5% penalty. This reduced penalty in the first 24 hours is intended to accommodate minor errors and lapses that can cause students to be a little late. After 24 hours the late penalty is 10% per day up to a maximum of 5 days late in total. For example: an “in lab demo” that is due on Tuesday at 11:59, will receive a 5% penalty if submitted at or before 11:59 on Wednesday, the same lab submitted on or before Thursday at 11:59 will receive a total late penalty of 15%, submitted on Friday will receive a total of 25%, and submitted on Saturday will receive a 35% penalty. Student's with extenuating circumstances should contact the instructors before the homework is due.