__GLXEvent | |
_Criterion | |
_DisplayMode | |
_FrameBufferMode | |
_GLUTcolorcell | |
_GLUTcolormap | |
_GLUTeventParser | |
_GLUTmenu | |
_GLUTmenuItem | |
_GLUToverlay | |
_GLUTstale | |
_GLUTtimer | |
_GLUTwindow | |
_OverlayInfo | |
_Range | |
_XLayerVisualInfo | |
AlertBox | |
AndFilter | |
Animator | |
APPEAR | Generic class representing appearance properties associated with a piece of surface |
APPEAR_list | An ARRAY of APPEAR pointers that conveniently lets you call selected methods of APPEAR on a whole bunch of APPEARs in just a single line of code! |
Arc_t< EVENT > | Represents an Arc of an FSA |
ArcGuard | |
ARRAY< T > | |
Array2d< T > | |
AUX_JOBlist | |
AuxRefImage | |
BadEdgeFilter | |
BALLwidget_anchor | |
BarycentricCoord | A set of barycentric coordinates on a triangular face |
BaseCollide | |
BaseGravity | |
BaseJOTapp | The base class for a Jot application |
BaseJOTapp::WINDOW | |
BaseJOTappConfig | |
BaseVisRefImage | |
BaseVisRefImageFactory | |
BasicTexture | |
BBOX | |
BBOX2D | |
BBOXpix | |
Bedge | |
Bedge_list | |
BedgeFilter | |
Bface | |
Bface_list | |
BfaceFilter | |
BitClearSimplexFilter | |
BitSetSimplexFilter | |
BMD_array< T > | |
BMESH_list | |
BMESHcurvature_data | Computes curvature data for a BMESH object |
BMESHcurvature_data::corner_areas_t | Stores "Voronoi" corner area values for a single face in a mesh |
BMESHcurvature_data::curv_tensor_t | Stores the three unique values of a 2x2 curvature tensor |
BMESHcurvature_data::dcurv_tensor_t | Stores the four unique values of a 2x2x2 curvature derivative tensor |
BMESHcurvature_data::diag_curv_t | Stores the results of diagonalizing a curvature tensor for a vertex. Specifically it stores the principal curvatures and directions for a vertex |
BMESHdrawable | |
BMESHobs | |
BMESHobs_list | |
BMESHray | |
BODY | |
BorderEdgeFilter | |
BoundaryEdgeFilter | |
Bsimplex | |
Bsimplex::IDtable | |
Bsimplex_list | |
BufferRefImage | |
ButtonMapper | Provides a simple interface to the events that can be generated by a Mouse object (or an equivalent combination of a 2 DOF device and a buttons device) |
Bvert | |
Bvert_list | |
BvertFilter | |
CallBack_t< EVENT > | A generic callback Interface for whenever an Arc_t of an FSA is traversed |
CallFunc_t< EVENT > | A subclass of a CallBack that contains a function to call |
CallMeth_t< T, EVENT > | A subclass of a CallBack that contains an object and one if its methods to call |
Cam_int | |
Cam_int_edit | |
Cam_int_fp | |
CamBreathe | |
CamCruise | |
CameraPath | |
CamFocus | |
CAMhist | |
CamIcon | |
CAMobs | |
CamOrbit | |
CamState | |
CAMwidget_anchor | |
CanPromoteEdgeFilter | |
CatmullClarkCalc< T > | |
CatmullClarkLoc | |
ChainTipEdgeFilter | |
CircleGuard | |
CLEARobs | |
ClickHoldGuard | |
Collide | |
ColorIDStripCB | |
ColorIDTexture | |
COLORobs | |
COMMAND | Base class for "commands" that can be executed (COMMAND::doit()) and undone (COMMAND::undoit()) |
ConcaveEdgeFilter | |
Config | |
ConfigInit | |
ConsistentEdgeFilter | |
ControlFrameTexture | |
ControlLineTexture | |
ConvexEdgeFilter | |
CoordSystem2d | |
CornerTypeVertFilter | |
CreaseEdgeFilter | |
CreasesTexture | |
CriticalSection | |
CrossableEdgeFilter | |
CRSpline | |
CSGobs | |
CurvatureARBvpARBfpMultiTextureMode | A curvature gTexture rendering mode that uses ARB vertex and fragment programs and multitexturing |
CurvatureARBvpARBfpMultiTextureMode::StripCB | |
CurvatureRenderingMode | Abstract base class for all curvature gTexture rendering modes |
CurvatureRenderingMode::CurvatureStripCB | |
CurvatureRenderingModeSelectionPolicy | |
CurvatureTexture | GTexture that implements curvature visualization for a mesh |
CurvatureUI | Controls the UI for curvature related GTextures |
CurvatureUISingleton | Singleton class that provides a single, global access point for all CurvatureUI's |
DATA< T > | |
DecoderAdds | |
DEVhandler | |
DEVice | |
DEVice_2d | |
DEVice_2d_absrel | |
DEVice_buttons | |
DEVmod_desc | |
DEVmod_gen | |
DEVpoll | |
DIR_ENTRYlist | |
DISPLAY_CMD | Put a GEL or GELs in the WORLD's display list |
DISPobs | |
DLhandler | |
DotGuard | |
DotsShader | |
DotsShader_EX | |
DoubleTapGuard | |
DrawnList | |
DrawnList::DispOp | |
DrawWidget | Base class for gesture recognizing widgets that can display interactive controls |
DslashGuard | |
DUPobs | |
DynamicSample | |
EaselManager | |
EdgeChildFilter | |
EdgeFrame | |
mlib::EDGElist | A list of edges in World coordinates |
EdgeStrip | |
EdgeStripFilter | |
egg_timer | |
EllipseGuard | |
Evd | |
Event | Wraps up the raw event data with the view that the event occurs in |
ExistList | |
EXISTobs | |
Face | |
FACElist | |
FaderTexture | |
FileListbox | |
FileSelect | |
FilmTrans | |
FlatShadeStripCB | A callback class for rendering each face of a Patch with a flat shading style |
FlatShadeTexture | A GTexture that renders Patches in a flat shaded style |
float16 | Representation of an array of 16 floats. Really only seems applicable for Wtransf, thus that is the only variety provided |
float2 | Representation of an array of 2 floats. Convenient for passing a PIXEL or other 2D type to OpenGL |
float3 | Representation of an array of 3 floats. Convenient for passing a Wpt, Wvec, or COLOR to OpenGL |
float4 | Representation of an array of 4 floats. Convenient for passing COLOR + alpha, Wpt, or Wvec to OpenGL: |
FoldVertFilter | |
Formatter | |
FPS | |
FRAMEobs | |
FrontFacingBfaceFilter | |
FrontFacingEdgeFilter | |
GarbageGuard | |
GEL | |
GEL_list< T > | |
GELdistobs | |
GELFILTclass_desc | |
GELFILTclass_desc_excl | |
GELFILTclass_name | |
GELFILTclass_name_excl | |
GELFILTlist | |
GELFILTothers | |
GELFILTpickable | |
GELFILTtdi< T > | |
GELFILTwidget3d | |
GELlist | |
GELset | |
GEOM | |
GEOMlist | |
GEOMobs | |
GestObs | |
GESTURE_list | |
GestureBoxDrawer | |
GestureDrawer | |
GLEWSingleton | A singleton class that provides a uniform access point for GLEW functionality and makes sure that GLEW is initialized before it is used |
GLExtensions | Jot interface for loading OpenGL extensions |
GLSLHaloShader | |
GLSLHatching | |
GLSLLightingShader | |
GLSLMarbleShader | |
GLSLNormalShader | |
GLSLPaperShader | |
GLSLPerlinTest | |
GLSLShader | |
GLSLSolidShader | |
GLSLToonShader | |
GLSLToonShaderHalo | |
GLSLXToonShader | |
GLSphirTexCoordGen | |
GLStripCB | |
GLTexCoordGen | |
GLUIAlertBox | |
GLUIFileSelect | |
GLUIMoveMenu | |
GLUIPopUp | |
GLUIPopUp::IconBitmap | |
GLUT_CURSpush | |
GLUT_MANAGER::tty_to_id | |
GLXBufferClobberEventSGIX | |
GLXPbufferClobberEvent | |
GRABobs | |
GrabVar | |
Gravity | |
GRIDwidget_anchor | |
GTexture | |
GTexture_list | Convenience methods defined in gtexture.H |
Guard_t< EVENT > | A generic callback Interface for testing a guard condition for an FSA arc |
GuardFunc_t< EVENT > | Test EVENTs with a given function |
GuardMeth_t< T, EVENT > | Test EVENTs with a given method on an object |
HalftoneShader | |
HalftoneShaderEx | |
HASH | |
hash_node | |
hashdist | |
hashenum< T > | |
HASHobs | |
hashptr< T > | |
hashvar< T > | |
HasUVFaceFilter | |
HiddenLineTexture | |
HSpline | |
HSpline::HermiteBasis | |
HSpline::HermiteGeometry | |
Hybrid2Loc | |
HybridCalc< T > | |
HybridCalc2< T > | |
HybridLoc | |
ICON2D | |
IDRefImage | |
Image | |
Interactor< T, EVENT, STATE > | A convenience class that makes it easy for an object that has CallBack functions to generate the proper CallBack data structure |
InteriorEdgeFilter | |
IOBlock | |
IOBlockMeth< T > | |
IOBlockMethList< T > | |
IOManager | |
IVNormalIterator | |
IVTriStripIterator | |
jitter_point | |
JOTappConfig | |
JOTcam | |
JOTclip_info | |
JOTcolor | |
JOTcreate | |
JOTdestroy | |
JOTdisplay | |
JOTdone | |
JOTgrab | |
JOThash | |
JOTio | |
JOTrender_mode | |
JOTscript | |
JOTsend_geom | |
JOTtexture | |
JOTtransp | |
JOTupdate_geom | |
JOTvar< OBJ, TYPE > | |
JOTvar_obs | |
JOTview | |
JOTwin | |
JOTxform | |
kbd_nav | |
Key_int | |
KeyLineTexture | |
KeyMenu | An Interactor that provides a menu of operations that can be triggered by pressing a single key on the keyboard |
KeyMenuItem | Holds all information needed about an entry in a KeyMenu |
LassoGuard | |
Ledge | |
LedgeStrip | |
Lface | |
Light | |
mlib::Line< L, P, V > | Templated class defining an oriented line and/or a line segment. The Line class keeps a point and a vector. For the Line object to be valid, the vector must not be null |
LINE3D | |
LINE3D_list | |
LineDrawingGLSLMode | A rendering mode for the "Line Drawing" rendering style that uses the OpenGL shading language |
LineDrawingGLSLMode::StripCB | Handles callbacks for drawing triangle strips for the "Line Drawing" rendering style |
LineDrawingRenderingMode | The abstract interface for a "Line Drawing" sytle rendering mode |
LineDrawingRenderingMode::LineDrawingStripCB | |
LineDrawingRenderingModeSelectionPolicy | |
LineDrawingTexture | GTexture that implements the "Line Drawing" rendering style |
LineDrawingVprogFprogNoSSDMode | A rendering mode for the "Line Drawing" rendering style that uses OpenGL ARB vertex and fragment programs without screen space derivatives (multitexturing is used instead) |
LineDrawingVprogFprogNoSSDMode::StripCB | Handles callbacks for drawing triangle strips for the "Line Drawing" rendering style |
LineGuard | |
LINKLIST< T >::Iterator | |
LINKLIST< T >::Node | |
LIST< T > | |
LOADobs | |
LoopCalc< T > | |
LoopColor | |
LoopLoc | |
LoopUV | |
Lpatch | |
Lstrip | |
Lvert | |
LvertStrip | |
ManifoldEdgeFilter | |
mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q > | A 4x4 matrix class with double precision floating point elements. Mat4 is a 4x4 matrix class that can be used to perform general affine or projective transformations in 3D space |
mem_push | |
MenuCb_t | |
MenuCbFunc_t | |
MenuCbMeth_t< T > | |
MenuItem | |
MESH_DESELECT_ALL_CMD | A COMMAND class for deselecting faces, edges and vertices on a mesh |
MESH_DESELECT_CMD | A COMMAND class for deselecting faces, edges and vertices on a mesh |
MESH_SELECT_CMD | A COMMAND class for selecting faces, edges and vertices on a mesh |
MeshGlobal | |
MeshSimplexFilter | |
MMENU::MMENUMenuItem | |
MOD | |
MODE_TEXT | A specialization of the TEXT2D class that is used by the ModeName class |
ModeName | Simple interface for setting the name of the current "mode" which is displayed in the top left corner of the jot window |
MotifWmHints | |
Mouse | |
MoveMenu | |
MSLDShader | |
MSLDStripCB | |
MTLReader | A class that can read .mtl files and create OBJMtl objects from them |
MULTI_CMD | Perform multiple commands at once |
MultiEdgeFilter | |
mlib::NDCline | A line in NDC coordinates |
mlib::NDCpt | A point in NDC coordinates |
mlib::NDCpt_list | A list of points in NDC coordinates |
mlib::NDCvec | A vector in NDC coordinates |
mlib::NDCZpt | A point in NDCZ coordinates |
mlib::NDCZpt_list | A list of points in NDCZ coordinates |
mlib::NDCZvec | A vector in NDCZ coordinates |
mlib::NDCZvec_list | A list of vectors in NDCZ coordinates |
NetHost | |
NetStream | USAGE: NetStream mycli("in.cs.brown.edu", 21); |
Network | CLASS: Network |
Network_obs | |
NewSilEdgeFilter | |
NormalsTexture | |
NotFilter | |
NumSimplexDataFilter | |
OBJFace | A class to represent a face in a .obj file |
OBJMtl | A class to represent a material in a .obj file |
OBJReader | A class that can read .obj files and create Jot meshes from them |
OBJReaderImpl | The implementation of the OBJReader class |
OctreeNode | |
OGLTexture | |
OrFilter | |
OtherData | |
OtherElem | |
PaperEffect | |
PaperEffectBase | |
PaperEffectObs | |
Patch | A region of a BMESH that can be textured individually |
Patch_list | List of Patches w/ convenience methods (defined in patch.H) |
PatchData | Base class for application-specific, custom data attached to the patch |
PatchEdgeFilter | |
PatchFaceFilter | |
Pen | |
PenManager | |
Perlin | |
mlib::PIXEL | A point in pixel coordinates |
mlib::PIXEL_list | A list of points in pixel coordinates |
mlib::PIXELline | A line in pixel coordinates |
mlib::Plane< PLANE, P, V, L > | Declaration of a class plane, keeping a definition of an oriented plane in 3D. The plane is defined by its (unit) normal vector and parameter 'd', which is the signed distance of the plane from the origin of the coordinate system |
PlyElement | |
PlyFile | |
PlyOtherElems | |
PlyOtherProp | |
PlyProperty | |
PlyPropRules | |
PlyRuleList | |
mlib::Point2< P, V > | A 2D point class with double precision floating point elements. This class is designed to be base class of more specific types of 2D points. Specifically, 2D points in different coordinate systems. The template argument P is the type of the derived point class. This allows the Point2 to return new points of the same type as the derived class. The template argument V is the type of the corresponding 2D vector class for the coordinate system of the derived 2D point class |
mlib::Point2i | A 2D point class with integer components |
mlib::Point2list< L, P, V, S > | A class containing a list of Point2's. Contains functions to aid in using this list of points as a piecewise continuous curve in some 2D coordinate system |
mlib::Point3< P, V > | A 3D point class with double precision floating point elements. This class is designed to be base class of more specific types of 3D points. Specifically, 3D points in different coordinate systems. The template argument P is the type of the derived point class. This allows the Point3 to return new points of the same type as the derived class. The template argument V is the type of the corresponding 3D vector class for the coordinate system of the derived 3D point class |
mlib::Point3i | A 3D point class with integer components |
mlib::Point3list< L, M, P, V, S > | A class containing a list of Point3's. Contains functions to aid in using this list of points as a piecewise continuous curve in some 3D coordinate system. Like the Point3 class, Point3list is designed to be the base class for more specific types of lists of 3D points. Specifically, lists of 3D points in different coordinate systems. The template argument L is the type of the derived point list class. This allows the Point3list to return new lists of the same type as the derived class. The template arguments M, P, V, and S are the types of the corresponding matrix, point, vector and line classes (respectively) for the coordinate system of the derived 3D point list class |
mlib::Pointlist< L, P, V, S > | A class containing a list of points. Contains functions to aid in using this list of points as a piecewise continuous curve in some coordinate system. Pointlist is designed to be the base class for more specific types of lists of points. Specifically, lists of points with different numbers of dimensions. The template argument L is the type of the derived point list class. This allows the Pointlist to return new lists of the same type as the derived class. The template arguments P, V, and S are the types of the corresponding point, vector and line classes (respectively) for the derived class |
PolylineEdgeFilter | |
PrimaryEdgeFilter | |
PrimaryFaceFilter | |
PrimaryVertFilter | |
Priority | |
QuadFaceFilter | |
QuadRepFaceFilter | |
QuadtreeNode | |
mlib::Quat< QUAT, M, P, V, L > | A quaternion class. The Quat class is designed to be the base class for more specific types of quaternions. Specifically, quaternions in different 3D coordinates systems. The QUAT template argument is the type of the derived quaternion class. This allows the Quat class to return new quaternions of the same type as the derived quaternion class. The M, P, V, and L template arguments are the types of the corresponding matrix, point, vector, and line (respectively) for the coordinate system of the derived quaternion class |
mlib::RandomGen | Random number generator class. Private to objects (a la meshes) who need their own source of random variables |
RAYhit | |
RAYnear | |
Reader< T > | A semi-generic parser class for reading files formatted similiarly to .obj and .mtl files |
Recorder | |
RecorderUI | |
RecorderUIBase | |
REFcounter | |
RefImage | |
RefImage2 | |
RefImageClient | |
REFlock | |
REFptr< T > | |
RenderingMode | The abstract interface for a rendering mode |
RenderingMode::RenderingModeStripCB | |
RenderingModeSingleton< RenderingModeSelectionPolicy > | A singleton class that keeps track of the rendering mode to be used by all instances of a particular gTexture |
RenderSet | |
RIC_array< T > | |
RIC_list< T > | |
RuleName | |
RunningAvg< T > | |
SAVEobs | |
Screen_pan_int | |
ScribbleGuard | |
SecondaryEdgeFilter | |
SecondaryFaceFilter | |
SelectedSimplexFilter | |
SetupGL | |
Shadow | |
Shadowable | |
SharpEdgeFilter | |
SHOW_TRIS::Triangle | |
SilEdgeFilter | |
SilFrameTexture | |
SilsTexture | |
Simple_int | |
Simple_Keyboard | |
SimpleCalc< T > | |
SimpleUVCalc | |
SimplexArray< L, T > | |
SimplexArray< L, T >::IndexData | |
SimplexData | |
SimplexDataList | |
SimplexFilter | |
SimplexFlagFilter | |
SimplexFrame | |
SlashGuard | |
SlashTapGuard | |
SmallArcGuard | |
SmallCircleGuard | |
SmoothShadeStripCB | A callback class for rendering each faces of a Patch with a smooth (gouraud) shading style |
SmoothShadeTexture | A GTexture that renders Patches with a smooth (gouraud) shaded style |
SMVIEWapp | |
SMVIEWapp::WINDOWjot | |
SolidColorTexture | |
State_t< EVENT > | A State in an FSA |
STDdstream | |
STDmem_dequeue | |
STDmem_queue | |
STDmem_stack | |
stop_watch | |
STR | |
str_ptr | |
StressedEdgeFilter | |
StripCB | |
StripColorCB | |
StripTexCoordsCB2 | |
StripTexCoordsCB3 | |
StrokeGuard | |
StrongEdgeFilter | |
StrongPolyCreaseEdgeFilter | |
SubdivCalc< T > | |
Tablet | |
TabletDesc | |
TabletEvent | |
TabletMultimode | |
TabletQueue | |
mlib::TabulatedFunction | Tabulates values of a given function over an interval [a,b] using a specified resolution. Approximations of the function at values in [a,b) are returned as interpolations of the tabulated values. at values outside that range the function itself is used to compute the value |
TAG | |
TAG_meth< T > | |
TAG_val< T, V > | |
TAG_var< T, V > | |
TAGformat | |
TapGuard | |
TDI< T > | |
TestSPSapp | |
TexCoordGen | |
TexMemRefImage | |
TEXT2D | |
TEXTUREobs | |
ThreadMutex | |
ThreadObs | |
ToonTexCB | |
ToonTexCB_1D | |
ToonTexture_1D | |
TRANSPobs | |
Triangle | |
TriStrip | |
TriStripsTexture | |
TslashGuard | |
TTYfd | |
UncrossableEdgeFilter | |
UNDISPLAY_CMD | Remove a GEL or GELs from the WORLD's display list |
UNDO_CMD | Given some command, UNDO_CMD performs the reverse operation |
UNIX_MANAGER::tty_to_id | |
UnreachedSimplexFilter | |
UPobs | |
UV_attrib | |
UV_grad | |
UV_grads | |
UVdata | |
UVDiscontinuousEdgeFilter | |
UVforIO | |
UVforIO2 | |
mlib::UVline | A line in UV coordinates |
UVMapping | |
mlib::UVpt | A point in UV coordinates |
mlib::UVpt_list | A list of points in UV coordinates |
mlib::UVvec | A vector in UV coordinates |
mlib::Vec2< V > | A 2D vector class with double precision floating point elements. This class is designed to be base class of more specific types of 2D vectors. Specifically, 2D vectors in different coordinate systems. The template argument V is the type of the derived vector class. This allows the Vec2 to return new vectors of the same type as the derived class |
mlib::Vec2i | A 2D vector class with integer components |
mlib::Vec3< V > | A 3D vector class with double precision floating point elements. This class is designed to be base class of more specific types of 3D vectors. Specifically, 3D vectors in different coordinate systems. The template argument V is the type of the derived vector class. This allows the Vec3 to return new vectors of the same type as the derived class |
mlib::Vec4 | A 4D vector class with double precision floating point elements |
VertAttrib< AttType, RetType > | |
VertColorStripCB | |
VertColorTexture | |
VertDegreeFilter | |
Vertex | |
VertFaceDegreeFilter | |
VertFrame | |
VertNormalsTexture | |
VertNormStripCB | |
VertsSetEdgeFilter | |
VertStrip | |
VertUVTexture | |
mlib::VEXEL | A vector in pixel coordinates |
VIEW | |
VIEW_EASEL | Container for GELS associated with a given fixed camera |
VIEWint | |
VIEWint_list | |
VIEWlist | |
VIEWobs | |
VisRefImage | |
VisRefImageFactory | |
VolPreserve< C > | |
vtn | |
WarnOnce | |
WeakEdgeFilter | |
WIN_MANAGER::tty_to_id | |
WireframeTexture | |
mlib::Wline | A line in World coordinates |
mlib::Wplane | A plane in World coordinates |
mlib::Wpt | A point in World coordinates |
mlib::Wpt_list | A list of points in World coordinates |
mlib::Wquat | A quaternion in World coordinates |
mlib::Wtransf | A tranform (or matrix) in World coordinates |
mlib::Wvec | A vector in World coordinates |
XformConstraint | |
XFORMobs | |
XFscaler< OBJ_TYPE, OBJ_TYPE_PTR > | |
XGuard | |
XToonStripCB | |
XToonTexture | |
mlib::XYline | A line in XY coordinates |
mlib::XYpt | A point in XY coordinates |
mlib::XYpt_list | A list of points in XY coordinates |
mlib::XYvec | A vector in XY coordinates |
ZCrossAllFaceGenerator | A simple FaceGenerator for the ZCrossExtractor class that generates all the faces on the mesh being processed |
ZCrossConfidenceInterface | The interface for the ZCrossExtractor Confidence functor template argument |
ZCrossExtractor< ScalarField, Confidence, FaceGenerator > | A class for extracting the zero crossing lines of arbitrary scalar fields on a mesh |
ZCrossFaceGeneratorInterface | The interface for the ZCrossExtractor FaceGenerator functor template argument |
ZcrossFrameTexture | |
ZcrossPath | |
ZCrossPreviousAndRandFaceGenerator | A FaceGenerator for the ZCrossExtractor class that generates previous faces (as per the ZCrossPreviousFaceGenerator) followed by random faces (as per the ZCrossRandFaceGenerator) |
ZCrossPreviousFaceGenerator | A FaceGenerator for the ZCrossExtractor class that generates the faces that were extracted in the previous extraction (or all faces in none have been extracted) |
ZCrossRandFaceGenerator | A FaceGenerator for the ZCrossExtractor class that generates random faces on the mesh being processed |
ZCrossScalarFieldInterface | The interface for the ZCrossExtractor ScalarField functor template argument |
ZCrossSeg | A segment on a zero crossing line |
ZcrossTexture | |
ZipZapGuard | |
ZXseg | A segment of a zero crossing line on a surface |