Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- o()
: VertFrame, EdgeFrame
- obj_info
: PlyFile
- obj_name()
: JOTvar< OBJ, TYPE >
- obj_size
: mem_push
- obj_to_ndc()
: Patch, BMESH
- obj_to_world()
- OBJFace()
: OBJFace
- OBJMtl()
: OBJMtl
- OBJReader
: OBJReader, OBJReaderImpl
- OBJReaderImpl()
: OBJReaderImpl
- observe()
: VisRefImage, BufferRefImage
- observe_frame_time()
- observers()
: BMESHobs
- Octahedron()
- OctreeNode()
: OctreeNode
- offset
: Lvert, DEVice_2d, PlyProperty
- offset_loc()
: Bvert
- offset_uv()
: UVdata
- OGLTexture()
: OGLTexture
: FileSelect
- old()
: DEVice_2d
- on()
: Recorder, Animator
- on_face()
: Bvert, Bsimplex, Bface, Bedge
- one_ring_faces()
: Bvert_list, Bface_list
- open()
: TTYfd
- open_path()
: Recorder
: RecorderUI
- open_png()
: Image
- operator *
: mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Wpt_list, mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >, STR, REFptr< T >, LINKLIST< T >::Iterator, TAGformat, mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Quat< QUAT, M, P, V, L >, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Vec2i, mlib::Point2< P, V >, BMESHcurvature_data::dcurv_tensor_t, BMESHcurvature_data::curv_tensor_t, DATA< T >, BBOX
- operator *=()
: mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2< P, V >, BBOX
- operator const double *()
: mlib::Vec4
- operator double *()
: mlib::Vec4
- operator GLfloat *()
: float16, float2, float3, float4
- operator int()
: TAGformat
- operator STR *()
: str_ptr
- operator T *()
: REFptr< T >
- operator!()
: str_ptr, REFptr< T >, STDdstream
- operator!=()
: str_ptr, REFptr< T >, LINKLIST< T >::Iterator, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Point3i, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2i, mlib::Vec2i, mlib::Point2< P, V >
- operator()()
: mlib::EDGElist, mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >, ZCrossPreviousAndRandFaceGenerator, ZCrossPreviousFaceGenerator, ZCrossRandFaceGenerator, ZCrossAllFaceGenerator, ZCrossFaceGeneratorInterface, ZCrossConfidenceInterface, ZCrossScalarFieldInterface
- operator+()
: mlib::Wpt_list, mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >, str_ptr, STR, mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Quat< QUAT, M, P, V, L >, mlib::Point3i, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2i, mlib::Vec2i, mlib::Point2< P, V >, SimplexArray< L, T >, BMESHcurvature_data::dcurv_tensor_t, BMESHcurvature_data::curv_tensor_t, BMESH_list
- operator++()
: LINKLIST< T >::Iterator, MOD
- operator+=()
: ARRAY< T >, mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Point3i, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2i, mlib::Vec2i, mlib::Point2< P, V >, Bvert, BMESHcurvature_data::dcurv_tensor_t, BMESHcurvature_data::curv_tensor_t, Bedge, State_t< EVENT >, DATA< T >, GELset, BBOXpix, BBOX2D, BBOX
- operator-()
: mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >, mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Quat< QUAT, M, P, V, L >, mlib::Point3i, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2i, mlib::Vec2i, mlib::Point2< P, V >, mlib::Plane< PLANE, P, V, L >, BMESHcurvature_data::dcurv_tensor_t, BMESHcurvature_data::curv_tensor_t
- operator--()
: LINKLIST< T >::Iterator
- operator-=()
: ARRAY< T >, mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Point3i, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2i, mlib::Vec2i, mlib::Point2< P, V >, Bvert, Bedge, State_t< EVENT >, DATA< T >
- operator->()
: REFptr< T >, DATA< T >
- operator/()
: mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >, mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Quat< QUAT, M, P, V, L >, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2< P, V >
- operator/=()
: mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2< P, V >
- operator<()
: Priority, mlib::Vec3< V >
- operator<<
: mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Quat< QUAT, M, P, V, L >, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2< P, V >, mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >, mlib::Line< L, P, V >, STR, REFptr< T >, STDdstream, mlib::Point3i, mlib::Point2i, mlib::Vec2i, Bvert, Bface, Bedge, GLUT_WINSYS, WINSYS, DATA< T >, BBOX
- operator=()
: ARRAY< T >, STR, REFptr< T >, LINKLIST< T >, NetHost, mlib::Vec4, mlib::PIXEL_list, mlib::NDCpt_list, LMESH, LedgeStrip, EdgeStrip, BMESH, RenderingModeSingleton< RenderingModeSelectionPolicy >, LineDrawingGLSLMode, LineDrawingVprogFprogNoSSDMode, CurvatureUISingleton, CurvatureUI, GLEWSingleton, PenManager, EaselManager, Event, Evd
- operator==()
: str_ptr, STR, REFptr< T >, LINKLIST< T >, LINKLIST< T >::Iterator, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Point3i, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2i, mlib::Vec2i, mlib::Point2< P, V >, mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >, mlib::Line< L, P, V >, ZXseg, IOBlock, UVforIO, UVforIO2, MMENU::MMENUMenuItem, GLUT_MANAGER::tty_to_id, SHOW_TRIS::Triangle, MOD, State_t< EVENT >, Arc_t< EVENT >, DrawnList::DispOp, BBOX, WIN_MANAGER::tty_to_id, UNIX_MANAGER::tty_to_id, DEVmod_desc, Evd, vtn, Triangle
- operator>()
: mlib::Vec3< V >
- operator>>()
: mlib::Vec4, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Point3< P, V >, STDdstream, Bvert, GLUT_WINSYS, WINSYS
- operator[]()
: ARRAY< T >, str_ptr, STR, Network, mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Point3i, mlib::Point3< P, V >, mlib::Point2i, mlib::Vec2i, mlib::Point2< P, V >, mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >, BarycentricCoord, BMESHcurvature_data::dcurv_tensor_t, BMESHcurvature_data::curv_tensor_t, BMESHcurvature_data::corner_areas_t, LINE3D, DATA< T >, DEFINER, GELset, Triangle
- opposite_edge()
: Bface
- opposite_face()
: Bface
- opposite_quad_edge()
: Bface
- opposite_vert()
: Bedge
- opposite_vert1()
: Bedge
- opposite_vert2()
: Bedge
- orbit()
: Cam_int_fp
- orbit_rot()
: Cam_int_fp
- orbit_rot_up()
: Cam_int_fp
- orbit_zoom()
: Cam_int_fp
- order_edges_ccw()
: Bvert
- OrFilter()
: OrFilter
- orient_strip()
: Bface
- orientation()
: TriStrip, Bface
- Orientation
: XToonTexture
- oriented_ccw()
: Bedge
- orig_n()
: EdgeFrame
- origin()
: mlib::Plane< PLANE, P, V, L >, mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >
- Origin()
: mlib::UVpt, mlib::PIXEL, mlib::NDCpt, mlib::NDCZpt, mlib::XYpt, mlib::Wpt
- orthogonalized()
: mlib::Vec3< V >, mlib::Vec2< V >, mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >
- ostr()
: STDdstream
- other_data
: OtherElem
- other_edge()
: Bface
- other_elems
: PlyFile
- other_face()
: Bedge
- other_list
: PlyOtherElems
- other_offset
: PlyElement
- other_props
: Face, Vertex, OtherElem, OtherData
- other_quad_face()
: Bface
- other_size
: PlyElement
- other_vertex()
: Bface, Bedge
- out_mask()
- outfunc
: TAG_meth< T >
- overlaps()
- overlay
: _GLUTwindow
- overlay_visual
: _OverlayInfo
- Own()
: REFcounter
Generated on Mon Sep 18 11:44:11 2006 for jot by