Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

All EECS Faculty and Staff    (print version)

Abbasi Aghdam Meinagh, Fariba   Faculty-Lecturer-Term

Ackerman, Mark S. 3388 North Quad (734) 763-5439 Faculty-Tenure

Adar, Eytan 4368 North Quad (734) 647-8028 Faculty-Courtesy

Afshari, Ehsan 3241 EECS
3322 EECS (lab)
(734) 763-9305

Ahmadi, Elaheh 2245 EECS (734) 647-4976 Faculty-Adjunct

Ali, Maha 3116 EECS (734) 763-2153 Faculty-Lecturer

Alkhazragi, Omar   Postdoc

Almomani, Raed 2717 Beyster 734-763-8485 Faculty-Lecturer

Anastasopoulos, Achilleas 4411 EECS (734) 615-4024 Faculty-Tenure

Anderson, David J   Faculty-Emeritus

Anthony, Richard 2006 Carl A...   Staff-Lab

Armstrong, Brian K. 1234A EECS (734) 615-7539 Staff-Lab

Armstrong, Lisa 3309 EECS (734) 936-0647 Staff-Chair

Arthur, William 3640 Beyster 734-763-3296 Faculty-Lecturer

Aspeel, Antoine 3290 FRB   Postdoc

Atkins, Daniel E. 300 West Hall (734) 647-7312 Faculty-Emeritus

Austin, Kathy 4230-D EECS (734) 764-5220 Staff-Lab

Austin, Todd 4637 Beyster.. (734) 936-0370 Faculty-Tenure

Balzano, Laura 4230C EECS (734) 615-9451 Faculty-Tenure

Banovic, Nikola 2630 Beyster.. 734-764-4289 Faculty-Tenure

Bansal, Nikhil 3637 Beyster.. 734-764-3888 Faculty-Tenure

Barreda Esparza, Jorge 1240 EECS (734) 320-4468 Staff-Lab

Barzgarvishlaghi, Mahsa 2223 EECS   Postdoc

Battel, Steven 2549 CSRB (734) 764-7099 Faculty-Courtesy

Battley, Hugh 2917 Beyster.. (734) 763-9351 Staff-Temp

Baveja, Satinder Singh 3765 Beyster.. (734) 936-2831 Faculty-Tenure

Baxendale, Meenu 3808 Beyster.. 734-647-8221 Staff-Research-Admin

Bayer, Franko 6104 ERB-1 (734) 763-6894 Staff-Lab

Beach, Katharine 1241 EECS (734) 255-9487 Staff-Lab

Beaumont, Jonathan 3828 Beyster.. 734-764-3789 Faculty-Lecturer

Bender, Donna 3709 Beyster.. 734-763-7703 Staff-Chair

Benken, Alexander 2401 EECS (734) 763-5022 Faculty-Research

Benoit, Sarah 2114E EECS (734) 764-9846 Staff-Lab

Berenson, Dmitry 2268 FRB (734) 764-4377 Faculty-Courtesy

Bertacco, Valeria 4645 Beyster.. (734) 615-4047 Faculty-Tenure

Beutler, Frederick J.   Faculty-Emeritus

Bhattacharya, Pallab   Faculty-Emeritus

Blaauw, David T. 2417C EECS (734) 763-4526 Faculty-Tenure

Bleier, Nathaniel 4641 Beyster 734-647-6469 Faculty-Tenure

Bodwin, Greg 3609 Beyster.. (734)647-1902 Faculty-Tenure

Bogaerts, Steven 2636 Beyster.. 734-647-0165 Faculty-Lecturer

Bondi-Kelly, Elizabeth 3913 Beyster.. 734-764-3381 Faculty-Tenure

Bonifer, Jill 5200 EECS (734) 763-8376 Staff-Central

Booms, Erika 3228 EECS Bldg (734) 764-0500 Staff-Other

Borsch, Markus (734) 936-2957 Postdoc

Brehob, Mark 4632 Beyster.. (734) 764-0525 Faculty-Lecturer

Briggs, Terre 1245 EECS (734) 320-4470 Staff-Lab

Brooks, Amy 6106 ERB I (734) 936-2957 Staff-Lab

Bruns, Taylor 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Bucher, Bernadette 2280 FRB (734) 763-6985 Faculty-Courtesy

Budak, Ceren 3336 North Quad 734-763-2284 Faculty-Courtesy

Bunescu, Aurelia Offsite 734-647-1098 Staff-Lab

Burgers, Alexander 3215 EECS (734) 763-7729 Faculty-Tenure

Burkhardt, Trasa 2403-A EECS (734) 763-2126 Staff-Lab

Cafarella, Michael J. NA NA Faculty-Adjunct

Cai, Changxiao 1891 IOE (734) 615-4045 Faculty-Affiliate

Calahan, Donald A.   Faculty-Emeritus

Callahan, Olivia 3808 Beyster 734-764-5327 Staff-Undergrad

Calvillo, Magdalena 3909 Beyster.. 734-936-8875 Staff-Lab

Campbell, Hunter 1234 EECS   Staff-Lab

Campbell, Paul 2026 Carl A... (734) 763-4875 Faculty-Research

Card, Dallas 105 S. State.. (734) 764-5876 Faculty-Affiliate

Cardarelli, Silvia 3306 EECS (734) 764-7899 Staff-Central

Carichner, Gordy 2417-A EECS (734) 936-3264 Staff-Lab

Carl, James 3122 EECS Bldg. (248) 854-8930 Staff-Central

Carr, Christa 3909 Beyster.. 734-764-2606 Staff-Lab

Cebulski, Jessi 3226 EECS (734) 763-8782 Staff-Research-Admin

Chai, Joyce 3632 Beyster 734-764-3308 Faculty-Tenure

Chakraborty, Mithun 2709 Beyster.. 734-647-7127 Faculty-Research

Chapman, Michelle 3229 EECS (734) 763-2273 Staff-Lab

Chen, Ang 4753 Beyster.. 734-647-0618 Faculty-Tenure

Chen, Jiasi 3244 EECS   Faculty-Tenure

Chen, Mingyuan 2223 EECS   Postdoc

Chen, Peter M. 4640 Beyster..   Faculty-Tenure

Cheraghchi, Mahdi 3603 Beyster.. (734) 763-9165 Faculty-Tenure

Chesney, David 4624 Beyster.. (734) 763-1498 Faculty-Emeritus

Chestek, Cynthia B10-A171 NCRC 763-1759 Faculty-Courtesy

Chowdhury, Mosharaf 4820 Beyster 734-764-4148 Faculty-Tenure

Clark, Kimberly 3820 Beyster.. 734-764-1688 Staff-Central

Coleman, Yolonda 4808 Beyster.. 734-764-9401 Staff-Central

Collier, Stephanie 2114D EECS   Staff-Research-Admin

Collins-Thompson, Kevyn 4360 North Quad 734-615-2132 Faculty-Courtesy

Compton, Kevin J. 3603 Beyster.. (734) 763-9165 Faculty-Emeritus

Cook, Jeffrey 2215 EECS (734) 763-0037 Faculty-Lecturer

Cormier, Kelly 3705 Beyster.. (734) 764-8505 Staff-Chair

Corso, Jason FRB 3280 (734) 647-8833 Faculty-Tenure

Coughlin, Jillian 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Crang, Diane M.S. 3820 Beyster.. 734-764-4343 Staff-Central

Crang, Steve 3832 Beyster.. 734-763-9996 Staff-Chair

Cundiff, Steven 450 Church St. (734) 764-4437 Faculty-Courtesy

Cunha Dias, Tiago 2233 EECS 000/000-0000 Postdoc

Darden, Marcus 2644 Beyster.. (734) 764-3643 Faculty-Lecturer

Das, Reetuparna 3624 Beyster.. 734-764-5367 Faculty-Tenure

Davidson, Edward S 2717 Beyster.. (734) 973-0751 Faculty-Emeritus

Davidson, Mena 3301 EECS (734) 763-2883 Staff-Central

Davis, Adam 2417-A EECS (734) 936-3264 Staff-Lab

Dean, Anthony 2808 Beyster 734-647-1122 Staff-Undergrad

Degraffenreed, Devon 3404 EECS (734) 764-9387 Staff-Central

Deitert, Amanda 2114C EECS (734) 763-4455 Staff-Research-Admin

Deng, Hui 4416 Randall Lab 734-763-7835 Faculty-Courtesy

DeOrio, Andrew W. 2705 Beyster 734-763-5867 Faculty-Lecturer

Deotare, Parag 3304 GG Brown (734) 647-3119 Faculty-Tenure

Dereziński, Michał 2649 Beyster 734-615-2691 Faculty-Tenure

Dexter, Scott 1043A Dow 734-764-9535 Faculty-Lecturer

Diaz, Kimberly Khalsa 3824 Beyster (734) 647-1355 Faculty-Lecturer

Dick, Robert 2417E EECS (734) 936-9991 Faculty-Tenure

Do, Hung 2417A EECS   Staff-Lab

Dong, Hao-Wen Stearns 131   Faculty-Affiliate

Doom, Travis TBD TBD Faculty-Lecturer

Dorf, Mary Lou 4636 Beyster.. (734) 615-9916 Faculty-Emeritus

Dreslinski, Ronald 2637 Beyster.. 971-221-6554

Durfee, Edmund H. 3745 Beyster.. (734) 936-1563 Faculty-Emeritus

Dvorkin, Vladimir 4240 EECS   Faculty-Tenure

Edelbrock, Allison 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Edwards, Kira 1301 Beal Ave (734) 764-2694 Staff-Other

Eid, Aline 3225 EECS (734) 647-4053 Faculty-Tenure

Elzaiat, Aryan 1246A EECS (734)936-0128 Staff-Lab

England, Anthony W 2527A SRB (734) 763-4849 Faculty-Emeritus

Ensafi, Roya 4745 Beyster 734-764-3184 Faculty-Tenure

Epureanu, Bogdan 3650 G G Brown (734) 647-6391 Faculty-Courtesy

Erementchouk, Mikhail 2828 Beyster (734) 763-6632 Staff-Lab

Ericson, Barbara 105 S. State 734-763-2285 Faculty-Courtesy

Escobar, Shannon 3808 Beyster.. 734-763-7874 Staff-Central

Estell, Cindy A. 3717 Beyster.. 734-764-8504 Staff-Chair

Falkovitch-Khain, Julia 2228 EECS (734) 647-0197 Staff-Lab

Fan, Xudong 2158 LBME   Faculty-Courtesy

Farrell, Michael 3808 Beyster   Staff-Central

Fazeli, Nima 3232 Ford Ro.. (734) 936-9308 Faculty-Affiliate

Feaganes, Amanda 3909 Beyster 734-647-0611 Staff-Grad

Feldkamp, John 3405 EECS (734) 764-7077 Staff-Central

Feldkamp, Michele 4230-B EECS (734) 647-1813 Staff-Lab

Fessler, Jeffrey A. 4431 EECS (734) 763-1434 Faculty-Tenure

Finelli, Cynthia 4413 EECS 734-764-0244 Faculty-Tenure

Fink, Laura 2917 Beyster.. (734) 936-2978 Staff-DCO

Fish, Benjamin 3812 Beyster.. 734-763-8487 Faculty-Tenure

Flautner, Krisztián 3644 Beyster..   Faculty-Tenure

Flick, Lisa 3415 EECS (734) 647-1762 Staff-Central

Florian, Matthias 2104 ERB1 (734) 763-4875 Faculty-Research

Florusbosch, J. Henrike 1600 Huron P.. (734) 615-1332 Staff-Lab

Flowers, Corei 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Flynn, Michael P. 2417F EECS (734) 936-2966 Faculty-Tenure

Foo, Zhiyoong 2431 EECS (734) 615-2886 Staff-Lab

Foran, Therese 3808 Beyster.. 734-647-5639 Staff-Lab

Forrest, Stephen R. 2238 EECS (734) 647-1147 Faculty-Tenure

Fouhey, David   Faculty-Adjunct

France, Emily 3832 Beyster.. 734-764-3596 Staff-Central

Freudenberg, James S. 4425 EECS (734) 763-0586 Faculty-Tenure

Galvanauskas, Almantas 6102 ERB I (734) 615-7166 Faculty-Tenure

Ganago, Alexander O. 3120 EECS (734) 763-3447 Staff-Lab

Gao, Jun   Faculty-Tenure

Garcia-Ramirez, Héctor 3640 Beyster 734-764-3979 Faculty-Lecturer

Garmire, David 2408 EECS   Faculty-Research

Genkin, Daniel   Faculty-Adjunct

Getty, Ward D. 3111 EECS (734) 936-2972 Faculty-Emeritus

Gianchandani, Yogesh B. 2403 EECS (734) 615-6407 Faculty-Tenure

Giebink, Chris 2245 EECS (734) 647-4976 Faculty-Tenure

Gilbert, Eric 4385 North Quad (734) 763-2285 Faculty-Courtesy

Gilchrist, Brian E. 2240 EECS
1432C SRB
(734) 763-6230
(734) 763-6230

Giles, Robert 4316 EECS (734) 763-9296 Staff-Central

Goldman, Rachel S. 2094 H.H. Dow (734) 647-6821 Faculty-Courtesy

Goldsmith, Jamie 4808 Beyster.. 734-763-4921 Staff-Central

Gong, Xiwen 1046W NCRC B28 (734) 615-3127 Faculty-Courtesy

Gordon, Rebecca (734) 754-7207 Staff-Lab

Graetz, Emily 3828 Beyster.. 937-314-1582

Grbic, Anthony 3238 EECS (734) 647-1797 Faculty-Tenure

Gregg, Robert 2260 FRB (734) 763-1156 Faculty-Courtesy

Grubbs, Paul 4709 Beyster.. 734-763-8337 Faculty-Tenure

Guo, Anhong 3741 Beyster 734-764-2026 Faculty-Tenure

Guo, L. Jay 2304 EECS (734) 647-7718 Faculty-Tenure

Guo, Shuaifeng 3105 ERB1   Postdoc

Guo, Zheng Beyster Bldg   Postdoc

Gurevich, Yuri   Faculty-Tenure

Guzdial, Mark 3636 Beyster 734-647-1320 Faculty-Tenure

Haddad, George I 2309 EECS (734) 764-7139 Faculty-Emeritus

Halderman, J. Alex 4717 Beyster.. (734) 647-1806 Faculty-Tenure

Hamilton, Nicole 2649 Beyster   Faculty-Lecturer-Term

Harper, Li 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Harter, Megan 3808 Beyster TBD Staff-Central

Hasan, Md Tanvir 2300F EECS   Postdoc

Hayes, John P. 4713 Beyster.. (734) 763-0386 Faculty-Emeritus

Hayes, Patricia 3808 Beyster.. 734-763-1557 Staff-Central

Hayward, Jacob 2917 Beyster.. (734) 763-9351 Staff-DCO

Helms, Amalie 3109 ERB1 (734) 763-4878 Staff-Research-Admin

Hero, Alfred O. 4417 EECS (734) 763-0564 Faculty-Tenure

Hiskens, Ian A.   Faculty-Emeritus

Hofmann, Heath 4421 EECS (734) 604-6504 Faculty-Tenure

Hollon, Todd L4000 Univer.. 734-936-7010 Faculty-Affiliate

Honeycutt, Jennifer 5200 EECS (734) 615-6364 Staff-Central

Honeyman, Peter 4777 Beyster.. (734) 763-1156 Faculty-Emeritus

Horosko, Jeffrey 5200 EECS (734) 936-0795 Staff-Central

Hou, Bixue 2020 Carl A... (734) 647-0122 Faculty-Research

Hower, Robert   Staff-Temp

Hu, Wei 3777 Beyster.. 734-764-3070 Faculty-Tenure

Huang, Neng TBD   Postdoc

Huang, Ryan 4611 Beyster.. 734-763-2804 Faculty-Tenure

Huang, Yibo 4844 Beyster   Postdoc

Incer, Inigo 4233 EECS   Faculty-Tenure

Islam, Mohammed N. 2401 EECS (734) 647-9700 Faculty-Tenure

Jackson, Casey 1234 EECS (734) 210-7434 Staff-Lab

Jagadish, H.V. 4601 Beyster.. (734) 763-4079 Faculty-Tenure

Jahanbakhsh, Farnaz 3645 Beyster 734-764-9751 Faculty-Tenure

Jain, Dhruv 4765 Beyster..   Faculty-Tenure

Jambulapati, Arun 3956 Beyster   Postdoc

Jamin, Sugih 4737 Beyster.. (734) 763-1583 Faculty-Tenure

Jeannin, Jean-Baptiste 3017 FXB (734) 764-6792 Faculty-Courtesy

Jenkins, Chad 2236 Ford Ro..   Faculty-Courtesy

Jeong, Minoh 4234A EECS (734) 000-0000 Postdoc

Jeong, Seok-hyeon 2431 EECS (734) 936-1956 Faculty-Research

Johnson, Emily 4644 Beyster.. 734-763-6783 Staff-Lab

Johnson, Justin 4749 Beyster.. 734-936-7829 Faculty-Adjunct

Jones, Stephanie 734-764-7829 Staff-Central

Juett, James 2641 Beyster 734-764-4299 Faculty-Lecturer

June, Catharine 3301 EECS (734) 936-2965 Staff-Chair

Jurgens, David 3341 North Quad (734) 763-2285 Faculty-Tenure

Kalinchenko, Galina 2022 Carl A... (734) 763-4875 Staff-Lab

Kamil, Amir 2632 Beyster 734-764-2138 Faculty-Lecturer

Kang, Yiping 2260 Hayward   Postdoc

Kanicki, Jerzy 2307 EECS (734) 936-0964 Faculty-Tenure

Kapritsos, Manos 4824 Beyster 734-615-3343 Faculty-Tenure

Kasikci, Baris   Faculty-Adjunct

Katnik, Steve 2477 Randall Lab
(734) 647-9401 Staff-Lab

Khaji, Maryam 2239 EECS   Postdoc

Khan, Fatima 3326 EECS (734) 936-1340 Staff-Grad

Kieras, David E.   Faculty-Emeritus

Kim, Gyouho 2435 EECS LAB 2670 BBB (734) 615-2886 Faculty-Research

Kim, Hun-Seok 2406 EECS (734) 764-7630 Faculty-Tenure

Kim, Minji 2017 Palmer .. (734) 615-5510 Faculty-Affiliate

Kim, Yejoong 2431 EECS (734) 615-2886 Staff-Lab

Kira, Mackillo 3116 ERB I (734) 764-4640 Faculty-Tenure

Kiriushechkina, Svetlana   Staff-Other

Kleimenova, Yana 2006 Gerstacker (734)763-4875 Staff-Lab

Kloosterman, John 3611 Beyster 734-615-0079 Faculty-Lecturer

Koroncey, Laura 3301 EECS (734) 763-4358 Staff-Central

Kotadiya, Naresh 2229 EECS   Postdoc

Koutra, Danai 3633 Beyster 734-764-4237 Faculty-Tenure

Kowalski, Ana Maria 3808 Beyster.. 734-763-7875 Staff-Central

Krainova, Nina 2229 EECS   Postdoc

Kroslak, George 2917 Beyster (734) 764-5543 Staff-DCO

Krushelnick, Karl M. 1006 Gerstacker (734) 763-4877 Faculty-Courtesy

Ku, Pei-Cheng 2246 EECS (734) 764-7134 Faculty-Tenure

Kuipers, Benjamin 3240 Ford Ro..
3765 Beyster
(734) 647-6887 Faculty-Emeritus

Kumar, Piyush 4908 Beyster   Postdoc

Kushner, Mark J. 2236 EECS (734) 647-1695 Faculty-Tenure

Kutty, Sindhu 2640 Beyster 734-647-8821 Faculty-Lecturer

Lafortune, Stéphane 4415 EECS (734) 763-0591 Faculty-Tenure

Laird, John E.   Faculty-Emeritus

Lampande, Raju 2229 EECS   Postdoc

Landwehr, Carl 3115 EECS (734) 776-3326 Faculty-Lecturer

Lanzio, Vittorino 2421 EECS   Postdoc

Lawrence, Catherine 3415-A EECS (734) 615-5529 Staff-Undergrad

Le, Hieu Van 4908 Beyster   Postdoc

Lee, Euiwoong 3641 Beyster.. (734)763-6739 Faculty-Tenure

Lee, Honglak 3773 Beyster.. (734) 764-3726 Faculty-Tenure

Lee, Michael 3302 EECS (734) 764-4302 Staff-Central

Li, Jing Shuang (Lisa) 4236 EECS (734) 647-4732 Faculty-Tenure

Li, Kejian 2300J EECS   Postdoc

Li, Yongxi 2225 EECS (734) 647-5809 Faculty-Research

Liang, Di 3217 EECS (734) 763-7669 Faculty-Tenure

Liao, Qingzi Beyster Bldg.   Faculty-Tenure

Liepa, Valdis V. (734) 647-1792 Faculty-Emeritus

Lin, Junyi 4861 Beyster   Postdoc

Lin, Yili 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Liska, Karen 3709 Beyster 734-647-4255 Staff-Central

Liu, Bin 2223 EECS   Faculty-Research

Liu, Jie 2035D Palmer.. (734) 615-5110 Faculty-Courtesy

Liu, Liangkai 4944 Beyster   Postdoc

Liu, Mingyan 4427 EECS | .. (734) 764-9546 (EECS) | (734) 647-7020 (LEC)
(734) 764-9546

Liu, Shuai EECS Building (734) 763-3260 Faculty-Research

Liu, Zexiang   Postdoc

Liu, Zhongming 2119 Gerstacker (734) 764-2073 Faculty-Tenure

Lobos, Rodrigo Rm 2121 Carl.. (734) 764-9588 Postdoc

Lomax, Ronald J. 3111 EECS (734) 936-2972 Faculty-Emeritus

Lopera, Jeronimo 3304 EECS (734) 647-6461 Staff-Central

Lopez Ruiz, Jose Roberto   Faculty-Research

Lu, Wei 2242 EECS (734) 615-2306 Faculty-Tenure

Ma, Lin 4721 Beyster.. 734-647-6575 Faculty-Tenure

Maddaka, Reddeppa   Postdoc

Madhyastha, Harsha   Faculty-Adjunct

Mahdavifar, Hessam 4110 EECS 734-647-8634 Faculty-Adjunct

Mahlke, Scott 4633 Beyster.. (734) 936-1602 Faculty-Tenure

Makar, Maggie 3769 Beyster.. 734-763-8481 Faculty-Tenure

Maksimchuk, Anatoly M. 2014 Carl A... (734) 763-4875 Faculty-Research

Manerkar, Yatin 4816 Beyster.. 734-763-8480 Faculty-Tenure

Mao, Zhuoqing Morley 4629 Beyster.. (734) 763-5407 Faculty-Tenure

Mars, Jason 4705 Beyster.. 734-763-3229 Faculty-Tenure

Martin, Sandrine 1246D EECS (734) 277-2365
(734) 277-2365

Mashkevich, Monica 2006 Gerstacker 734-763-4875 Staff-Lab

Mathieu, Johanna 4116 EECS (734) 936-3875 Faculty-Tenure

Mayfield, Matthew 2917 Beyster   Staff-DCO

Mazumder, Pinaki (734) 763-2107 Faculty-Tenure

McAfee, Leo C. 2231 EECS (734) 764-0218 Faculty-Emeritus

McBride, Ryan 1941 Cooley Bldg (734) 763-7504 Faculty-Courtesy

McCollum, Patrick (734) 647-1753 Staff-Central

McKenna, Myles 1301 Beal Ave (734) 763-9030 Staff-Lab

Meerkov, Semyon M.   Faculty-Emeritus

Mei, Qiaozhu 303D West Hall (734) 763-0076 Faculty-Courtesy

Melloni, Alice Remote 734-764-8576 Staff-Central

Metzger, Kurt 4236 EECS (734) 764-5226 Faculty-Emeritus

Meyer, John F. 2717 Beyster.. (734) 763-0037 Faculty-Emeritus

Meyer, Joshua 2912 Beyster 734-763-6985 Staff-Lab

Mi, Zetian 2405 EECS 734-764-3963 Faculty-Tenure

Michielssen, Eric 3240 EECS (734) 647-1793 Faculty-Tenure

Mihalcea, Rada 3745 Beyster.. 734-647-4088 Faculty-Tenure

Miller, Susan 3820 Beyster..   Staff-Central

Mo, Sangwoo 2753 Beyster..   Postdoc

Morgan, Andrew 2641 Beyster.. 734-936-1272 Faculty-Lecturer

Mortazawi, Amir 3242 EECS (734) 936-2597 Faculty-Tenure

Mourou, Gerard A.   Faculty-Emeritus

Movens, Bobbi 4316 EECS (734) 647-1748 Staff-DCO

Mower Provost, Emily 3629 Beyster.. 734-647-1802 Faculty-Tenure

Mozafari, Barzan 4769 Beyster.. (734) 763-3669 Faculty-Tenure

Mudge, Trevor 4757 Beyster.. (734) 764-0203 Faculty-Emeritus

Nadakuditi, Rajesh Rao 4435 EECS (734) 615-0096 Faculty-Tenure

Nagarajan, Viswanath 2713 IOE 120.. (734) 763-3459 Faculty-Affiliate

Naim, Waad   Postdoc

Najafi, Khalil 2404 EECS (734) 763-6650 Faculty-Tenure

Najarian, Kayvan NCRC, Bldg 1.. 734-763-3924 Faculty-Courtesy

Narayanasamy, Satish 4741 Beyster.. (734) 764-6984 Faculty-Tenure

Nashashibi, Adib Y. 3227 EECS (734) 764-1091 Faculty-Research

Nebeling, Michael 105 S. State St. 734-764-4057 Faculty-Courtesy

Nees, John A. 2018 Carl A... (734) 763-4875 Faculty-Research

Neuhoff, David L. 2220 EECS (734) 764-6586 Faculty-Emeritus

New, Max 4628 Beyster 734-763-9015 Faculty-Tenure

Newman, Mark W 4380 North Quad 764-0020 Faculty-Courtesy

Nguyen, Long 456 West Hall   Faculty-Affiliate

Nidetz, Robert 1301 Beal Avenue (734) 496-8065 Staff-Lab

Nielsen, Jon-Fredrik 2360 Boniste.. (734) 647-7728 Faculty-Research

Noble, Brian 4713 Beyster.. 734-936-2971 Faculty-Tenure

Norris, Theodore B. 6117 ERB I (734) 764-9269 Faculty-Tenure

Novak, Kim 3226 EECS (734) 764-0500 Staff-Lab

O'Donnell, Michelle 3406 EECS   Staff-Central

Olson, Edwin   Faculty-Adjunct

Omar, Cyrus 4773 Beyster.. (734)647-4712 Faculty-Tenure

Oney, Stephen 4381 North Q.. 734-763-6284 Faculty-Courtesy

Oonk, Matthew 1243 EECS (734) 646-1275 Staff-Lab

Opal-Deitering, Gaylene 6113 ERB1 (734) 647-1719 Staff-Other

Owens, Andrew 4231 EECS 734-615-7130 Faculty-Tenure

Oxford, Elizabeth 6111 ERB I (734) 647-3959 Staff-Lab

Oymak, Samet 4110 EECS   Faculty-Tenure

Ozay, Necmiye 4229 EECS 734-936-0269 Faculty-Tenure

Pan, Fei 2745 Beyster..   Postdoc

Pang, Stella W.   Faculty-Emeritus

Paoletti, David Robert 2645 Beyster 734-763-8205 Faculty-Lecturer

Park, Jeong Joon 2717 Beyster.. 734-764-3971 Faculty-Tenure

Park, Seulki 4861 Beyster   Postdoc

Pavlidis, Dimitris   Faculty-Adjunct

Peikert, Christopher 3601 Beyster.. 734-936-2974 Faculty-Tenure

Pena, Sarah Off-site 734-763-8864 Staff-Central

Pendse, Ravi 4251 Plymout..   Faculty-Courtesy

Perez-Rosas, Veronica 2709 Beyster.. 734-763-0503 Faculty-Adjunct

Pernia, Paula 3302 EECS (734) 764-4302
(734) 274-0071 (cell)

Perretta, James Off-site NA Staff-DCO

Peterson, Becky (R.L.) 2302 EECS (734)615-3105 Faculty-Tenure

Pettie, Seth 3628 Beyster (734) 615-4210 Faculty-Tenure

Phillips, Jamie D. 2305 EECS (734) 764-4157 Faculty-Adjunct

Pierce, Leland E. 3237 EECS
3214 EECS (Lab)
(734) 763-3157 Faculty-Research

Pipe, Kevin Patrick 2146 GG Brown (734) 763-6624 Faculty-Courtesy

Pollina, Robert 1234 EECS (734) 646-7991 Staff-Lab

Pourahmad, Vahnood   Postdoc

Powell, Ariana 2808 Beyster.. 734-647-1968 Staff-Central

Pradhan, S. Sandeep 4437 EECS (734) 764-5215 Faculty-Tenure

Prakash, Atul 3713 Beyster.. (734) 763-1585 Faculty-Tenure

Puzzuoli, Chris 4316 EECS (734) 647-4287 Staff-DCO

Qin, Yutao 2213 EECS (734) 936-0069 Faculty-Research

Qiu, Yiming 3861 Beyster 999/999-9999 Postdoc

Qu, Qing 4227 EECS (734) 763-9706 Faculty-Tenure

Rahimi, Amir 4861 Beyster   Postdoc

Rampure, Suraj 1043B Dow 734-764-9579 Faculty-Lecturer

Rand, Stephen 3102 ERB I (734) 763-6810 Faculty-Emeritus

Randolph, Linda K 4401 EECS (734) 764-3304 Staff-DCO

Ravi, Gokul 4757 Beyster.. 734-764-3614 Faculty-Tenure

Ray, Vishva 1240 EECS (734) 763-8105
(734) 478-1747

Razak, Saquib 2636 Beyster 734-764-3313 Faculty-Lecturer

Reddy, Pramod Sangi 1634 GG Brown (734) 615-5952 Faculty-Courtesy

Reger, Stephen 3965A Beyste.. (734) 764-2132 Staff-Central

Revzen, Shai 4225 EECS (734) 763-3561 Faculty-Tenure

Rhoades, Jason 3406 EECS (734) 763-3196 Staff-Grad

Ribbens, William B.   Faculty-Emeritus

Richardson, Melissa 3709 Beyster 734-764-9746 Staff-Chair

Rieger, Kristi 4230 EECS (734) 763-8557 Staff-Research-Admin

Ringenberg, Jeffrey S. 2633 Beyster.. (734) 763-2751 Faculty-Lecturer

Ritsuka, K 4234A EECS   Postdoc

Rodríguez, Alexander 3757 Beyster.. 734-647-0674 Faculty-Tenure

Romero, Daniel 4432 North Quad NA Faculty-Courtesy

Rounds, Bill 2717 Beyster.. (734) 764-9418 Faculty-Emeritus

Roy Chowdhury, Amrita 4749 Beyster 734-764-9752 Faculty-Tenure

Ruf, Christopher S. 1533 Space R.. (734) 764-6561 Faculty-Courtesy

Ruffino, Michele 3415 EECS (734) 763-5040 Staff-Undergrad

Ruiz Garcia, Jorge   Postdoc

Sakallah, Karem A. 4603 Beyster.. (734) 936-1350 Faculty-Tenure

Saleem, Sofia 3824 Beyster.. 734-647-1258 Faculty-Lecturer

Saligane, Mehdi 2431 EECS (734) 615-3499 Faculty-Research

Sample, Alanson 4812 Beyster.. (253) 642-7287

Sarabandi, Kamal 3228B EECS (734) 936-1575 Faculty-Tenure

Sarabi, Armin 4120 EECS (734) 647-1813 Faculty-Research

Saranurak, Thatchaphol 3644 Beyster 734-764-9698 Faculty-Tenure

Schaub, Florian 4344 North Quad   Faculty-Courtesy

Schefer Jr, Mark Loading Dock.. (734) 417-5899 Staff-Central

Schwartz, Jeremey 1301 Beal (734) 661-9293 Staff-Lab

Schweiger, Dennis M. 1246B EECS (734) 647-2055 Staff-Lab

Scott, Clayton D 4433 EECS (734) 615-3656 Faculty-Tenure

Scovel, Linda 3402 EECS (734) 764-2390 Staff-Chair

Scruggs, Jeffrey 2378 GG Brown 734-764-1812 Faculty-Courtesy

Sebastian, Anthony 1247 EECS (734) 277-4735 Staff-Lab

Seiler, Peter 4223 EECS 734-763-6204 Faculty-Tenure

Shahbaz, Muhammad 4644 Beyster   Faculty-Tenure

Shekhar, Shubhanshu 4118 EECS   Faculty-Tenure

Shen, Liyue 4229 EECS   Faculty-Tenure

Shepard, Stephanie (O'Keefe) 4644 Beyster.. 734-647-1098 Staff-Lab

Sherry, Rose 3808 Beyster.. 734-647-1581 Staff-Central

Shin, Kang G. 4605 Beyster.. (734) 763-0391 Faculty-Tenure

Shukla, Apurv 4303 EECS   Postdoc

Singh, Jasprit   Faculty-Emeritus

Slowey, Nancy 3415 EECS (734) 763-2305 Staff-Central

Smith, James Off-site/Remote Off-Site/Remote Faculty-Adjunct

Smith, Matthew 3122 EECS (734) 763-8164 Faculty-Lecturer-Term

Smith, Tiffany 3909 Beyster 734-647-0710 Staff-Grad

Snay, Sarah 3832 Beyster.. 734-763-6527 Staff-Central

Soloway, Elliot 3620 Beyster.. (734) 936-1562 Faculty-Tenure

Song, Dogyoon   Postdoc

Song, Ziyou   Faculty-Tenure

Srimath Tirumala, Harsha 3956 Beyster   Postdoc

Stals, Ann 3305 EECS (734) 764-9245 Staff-Central

Stark, Wayne E.   Faculty-Emeritus

Steel, Duncan 3117 ERB I (734) 764-2386 Faculty-Emeritus

Stefanopoulou, Anna 2044 W E Lay.. 615-8461 Faculty-Courtesy

Stoian, Estera 3808 Beyster..   Staff-Central

Storm, Shelby 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Storms, Victoria 4230D EECS 734-763-9709 Staff-Research-Admin

Stout, Quentin F. 3605 Beyster.. (734) 763-1518 Faculty-Tenure

Strain, Gray 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Stubblefield, Jasmin 3909A Beyster 734-764-2624 Staff-Grad

Subramanian, Vijay 4112 EECS 734-615-1915 Faculty-Tenure

Sucha, Gregg 2024 Gerstacker (734) 763-4875 Staff-Lab

Sun, Jing 211 NAME (734) 615-8061 Faculty-Courtesy

Sun, Ke 4777 Beyster   Faculty-Tenure

Sylvester, Dennis 3303A EECS (734) 615-8783 Faculty-Tenure

Talati, Nishil 1029 Dow Bui.. 734-936-2964 Faculty-Research

Tang, Lingjia 4609 Beyster.. 734-763-2548 Faculty-Tenure

Tang, Songtao   Postdoc

Tang, Wei 2435 EECS (734) 764-3345 Faculty-Research

Tarcea, Glenn Dow Bldg. (734) 763-2548 Staff-Lab

Tashjian, Julie 2808 Beyster.. 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Teneketzis, Demosthenis (734) 763-0598 Faculty-Emeritus

Teorey, Toby   Faculty-Emeritus

Terry, Fred 2308 EECS (734) 763-9764 Faculty-Tenure

Tewari, Ambuj 454 West Hall 734-615-0928 Faculty-Courtesy

Thebaud, Alexandra 2114-B EECS (734) 936-1956 Staff-Research-Admin

Thomas, Alexander 6107 ERB I (734) 763-6008 Faculty-Courtesy

Thornton, Kristen 3403 EECS (734) 647-1758 Staff-Grad

Tilbury, Dawn 3124 GG Brown (734) 936-2129 Faculty-Courtesy

Tjandra, Donna 3861 Beyster..   Postdoc

Torralva, Ben Remote   Faculty-Lecturer

Tsang, Leung 3228A EECS 734-764-7651 Faculty-Tenure

Tzimpragos, Georgios 4777 Beyster.. 734-763-4413 Faculty-Tenure

Ulaby, Fawwaz T. 3228A EECS (734) 647-1789 Faculty-Emeritus

Vajcner, Jill 2808 Beyster 734-763-6563 Staff-Undergrad

Van Camp, Richard 2006 Carl A... (734) 763-3167 Staff-Lab

Vanderkolk, Nick   Staff-Lab

VanLaven, Joel 4401 EECS (734) 764-6570 Staff-DCO

Vaquera, Melissa 3808 Beyster.. 734-936-2495 Staff-Research-Admin

Velez, Joseph 1246A EECS (734) 000-0000 Staff-Lab

Violi, Angela 3005 EECS (734) 494-0017 Faculty-Courtesy

Vyas, Punam 3415-C EECS
2717 Beyster..
ECE: (734) 647-1754
CSE: (734) 764-8332 (Thursday 9-12)

Wang, Chenlan 4429 EECS   Postdoc

Wang, Danhao   Postdoc

Wang, Ding   Faculty-Research

Wang, Lu 3812 Beyster.. (734) 764-6894 Faculty-Tenure

Wang, Peng   Postdoc

Wang, Xinyu 4620 Beyster 734-763-1325 Faculty-Tenure

Wang, Xu 3737 Beyster 734-763-8484 Faculty-Tenure

Weimer, Westley 4636 Beyster 734-615-9916 Faculty-Tenure

Wein, Nicole 4624 Beyster.. 734-764-4515 Faculty-Tenure

Welch, Joshua 2044E Palmer.. 734-615-0618 Faculty-Courtesy

Wellman, Michael 3765 Beyster.. 734-936-2831 Faculty-Tenure

Wen, Qiannan   Postdoc

Wendt, Michael 6113 ERB1   Staff-Lab

Wentzloff, David D. 2417D EECS (734) 647-4499 Faculty-Tenure

Weston, Christine   Postdoc

Wicklund, Amy A 3402 EECS (734) 763-3260 Staff-Central

Wiens, Jenna 3749 Beyster.. 734-647-4832 Faculty-Tenure

Wiles, Autumn 2237 EECS   Staff-Other

Wiles, Hannah 1301 Beal Ave (734) 764-6028 Staff-Other

Williams, Jalani 4120 EECS   Postdoc

Williams, Taj 3832 Beyster.. 734-764-7024 Staff-Central

Willingale, Louise 6109 ERB-1
2233 EECS
(734) 647-9543

Winful, Herbert 3118 ERB (734) 647-1804 Faculty-Tenure

Winick, Kim A. 2231 EECS (734) 764-5203 Faculty-Emeritus

Winsor, Don 4403 EECS (734) 764-8543 Faculty-Adjunct

Winters, Steven 3300 EECS (734) 763-9030 Staff-Chair

Wise, Kensall D. 2402 EECS (734) 764-3346 Faculty-Emeritus

Wright, Shawn 1234 EECS (734) 417-3731 Staff-Lab

Wu, Ke 3917 Beyster 734-764-9754 Faculty-Tenure

Wu, Yuanpeng (734) 763-5022 Faculty-Research

Xiao, Yunming Beyster Bldg.   Postdoc

Xu, Haokui   Postdoc

Xu, Mengyue   Faculty-Research

Xu, Xiaojian 4125 EECS   Postdoc

Xu, Yan 2753 Beyster..   Postdoc

Yagle, Andrew E 4114 EECS (734) 763-9810 Faculty-Emeritus

Yan, Chen 4234B EECS   Postdoc

Yang, Zixian 4107 EECS   Postdoc

Yarger, Austin 3611 Beyster (734) 763-2012

Yektakhah, Behzad 3219 EECS (734) 763-8162 Postdoc

Ying, Lei 4423 EECS 734-647-4031 Faculty-Tenure

Yoon, Euisik 2400 EECS (734) 615-4469 Faculty-Tenure

Young, Grant 4105 ERB1 734-763-4875 Staff-Lab

Young, Steven 3223 EECS (734) 764-3370 Faculty-Research

Yu, Huabin EECS Bldg   Postdoc

Yu, Jing 3290/FRB   Postdoc

Yu, Stella 3753 Beyster.. 734-647-1761 Faculty-Tenure

Z, Y 1906 Cooley   Faculty-Courtesy

Zaenger, Elizabeth 4403 EECS (734) 647-1822 Staff-DCO

Zhang, Bingxing EECS   Faculty-Research

Zhang, Jie 1301 Beal Ave.   Postdoc

Zhang, Pei 4238 EECS (734) 763-9901 Faculty-Tenure

Zhang, Qing 2006 Carl A... (734) 763-4875 Staff-Lab

Zhang, Qirui 2431 EECS   Postdoc

Zhang, Zhengya 2244 EECS (734) 647-3837 Faculty-Tenure

Zhang, Zheshen 2305 EECS (734) 763-7766 Faculty-Tenure

Zhong, Zhaohui 2241 EECS (734) 647-1953 Faculty-Tenure

Zhou, Jiayu 4322 North Quad (734) 764-5876 Faculty-Affiliate

Zhou, Kevin Carl A. Gers..   Faculty-Affiliate

Zhu, Junyi   Faculty-Courtesy

Zucal, Joshua 3808 Beyster.. (734) 764-9702 Staff-Research-Admin

Total Faculty and Staff Listed: 558